86 CRX swap

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Im currently Working on an 86 CRX 1500 HF Carbed of Course.. I have a 1st Gen Intgera that has massive body damage I want Know what kind of custom mods im looking at when i try to switch over the FI D16 and drive train to the CRX.this will be the my 1st attempt at working on something that doesn't envolve 4WD and massive mud tires. Im just curious on what im getting my self into

any hard info on this topic would be most appreciated

P.S both Cars Are Manuals if that helps the info process
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STOP THIS SHIT. Dammit dude, he's here for a SWAP. This is HONDASWAP.

Stop referring everyone to RPR just because they have a 1st gen !

Now, with the D16 swap you've picked a very easy and effective swap. You'll love it. The entire harness needs to come with the donor car, including ECU. The harnesses are seperate, so getting the engine satisfied should be easy.

If you have specific questions, let me know. I happen to have a 1989 D16 here and a first Gen CRX (Although mine is FI already).
will I have to swap the front axle and tranny aswell? the trans in my crx has less miles on it then the acura tranny. idk what trans the acura is running but i think my crx is running the L3
It's simpler to go with the integra trans. Keep your trans around as a spare. You'll use the acura axles with the acura trans and I understand that they are different, but I've lined them up side by side and I see no difference.

People have taken the spindles over for the acura, and others have used CRX spindles. I think the later spindles work with the D16, and you may have to switch over. Get the motor out and lay everything up, it'll make sense then.
your going to need integra hubs

i dont get where swapping carb to efi is easy

not to discourage you, but its not the easiest swap in the world.

you pritty much have to pull out the entire enterior (well, not much to that) and the dashboard to acess the dash loom, and than either cut the integra clips off the engine side of the dash harness or install the integra dash harness in the crx with the crx gauge and hvac plugs spliced in.

of course, it all depends on how much your going to modify the car and how many amenitys you want

most of the colors on the necessary wireing is the same. its not really difficult, just very tedious'

oh, and your factory hf tranny WILL NOT bolt up to the d16a1 or any d16 varient. regardless the gears are way long for anything performance oriented