93 Integra Gs into 88 Crx Dx Swap

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Junior Member
I'm new to the whole import/swapping thing. I might be getting a 93 Integra Gs engine and transmission to swap into the 88 Crx Dx I have now. I know I'm definitely going to need the motor mounts and a shift linkage. But, I really wanted to try to swap the wiring/ecu over too (the dx wiring isn't in the greatest of shape). People have told me that I need wiring harnesses/ecu adapters. But, doing that would run me $300-$500 extra. I've looked at the wiring running from the ECU. It looks as if it goes through the firewall on the passenger side, and out to a couple connectors where it branches off to wherever it all goes. One thing that I'm worried about though, is one of the clusters of wires runs acrossed the car, from the one of the connectors, originally from the ecu, under the intake, and to what looks like maybe the fuel injectors?, and a couple other sensors I suppose, and then connects to another connector, which runs through the firewall on the driver's side. I really don't want to have to take the dash out to pull all that wiring out. Also, I'm afraid I'd have to rewire the ignition, or that the instrument panel won't work if I do the Gs wiring conversion, etc. If anybody has some really detailed information such as wiring schematics or diagrams, or anything that could possibly help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.
Well first off, since you dont know what injectors are and you dont know that you have to change the plugs because a 93 gs motor is OBD1 and your wiring harness is obd0 then I would not suggest taking on this project yourself, take it to someone who has done this sort of thing before.