A mobile phone destructive "virus"

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" Skynet? The virus has infected Skynet?", "Skynet is the virus. It's the reason everything's falling apart.", "Skynet has become self aware. In one hour it will conduct a massive nuclear attack on its enemy. " , What enemy? ,
Us. Humans. :eek:

B) But I think something is going to happen like this... :lol:
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Aug 11 2004, 10:20 PM

i posted this about a month ago...
[post=375660]Quoted post[/post]​

This is different from the one you posted
That is cool how someone could make that but who would play a game on a text message. I dont buy a phone to use games i buy a phone to use it as a phone. Now granted i bought the best nextel phone out yet but that is because it is the smallest nextel out there. I think if you play a game sent to you then you deserve whatever comes with it.