AEM cold air version 2 is now available

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supposed to outperform the original. check it out:

i have seen them for about 250-80

The biggest thing that i wonder about that one is how would you put a by pass valve on?
Originally posted by rixXxceboy@Jan 1 2003, 07:39 PM
i think the bypass filter would go where that rubber part is near the filter end.

The rubber part is so that you can actually mount the intake tubing through the sheet metal in your engine bay. You want to place the bypass valve MUCH higher than that rubber/silicon connector... if you have it that low, it won't do you any good when it's submerged in water.
Hey, I run a short ram and I'm happy. I'm very glad that I don't have a CAI here in Houston!
Short ram SUX!! I would buy a V2, but I would need a bypass valve down here, with sudden downpours.
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Jan 2 2003, 12:34 AM
Short ram SUX!! I would buy a V2, but I would need a bypass valve down here, with sudden downpours.

with all the lovely hurricans that come our way <_< , i love driving my dads truck around in hurricans going throw puddles (on my way to go surfing of course)

dude my gf lives down a road that floods really bad and i dont think cold air will be a smart thing
i am not going to get anymore stuff for my car until i figure out what i want to really do to it
Originally posted by DazedCivic99+Jan 4 2003, 09:17 PM-->
@Jan 2 2003, 12:34 AM
Short ram SUX!! I would buy a V2, but I would need a bypass valve down here, with sudden downpours.

with all the lovely hurricans that come our way <_< , i love driving my dads truck around in hurricans going throw puddles (on my way to go surfing of course)

dude my gf lives down a road that floods really bad and i dont think cold air will be a smart thing
i am not going to get anymore stuff for my car until i figure out what i want to really do to it

Well, what MORON drives a civic in a hurricane? Mine stays in the driveway, but if a hurricane comes, I rent out some space and keep it there. I can't wait to sell my short ram intake when I get the full onw w/ bypass valve.
i take the truck, but there will always be the person who tries to swamp his civic
i am only a moron half of the time
Originally posted by 92CivicCx@Jan 3 2003, 11:31 AM
i love flash floods!

you could just mount it upside down and cut a hole in your hood and just use it as a snorkle. That way you could fodge through water like 10 inchs deap (8 if you lowered your car) :)
lol @ asmallsol

Dazed, I wasn't calling you a moron, I know you have more sense, but I wouldn't put it past any NW FL retards who want the "ultimate drifting." :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Jan 4 2003, 11:39 PM
lol @ asmallsol

Dazed, I wasn't calling you a moron, I know you have more sense, but I wouldn't put it past any NW FL retards who want the "ultimate drifting." :rolleyes:

i didnt take it as you were i just wanted to add that little side note sorta joking around, if you ment to i wouldnt have cared at all everyone has open veiws i have a lot. my brother is the moron who would drive through water in his car, he has done it before i he will do it again no common sense