All hallows eve

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We're settin up my wifes gramma house cause they get more kids that got out trick or treatin there. I'm hopin to find a 50lb pumpkin to carve this year. we bought all sorts of shit to do the yard up with. We got a coffin, and I'm gonna lay in it in a devil costum and scare the livin shit out of all the kids that come to the door. it's gonna be great
The usual--mailbox bashings and eggs that expired in July. Muhahahha, they are stockpiled in the fridge. Senseless acts of violence rule!!
Hit my mailbox and I will run you down. Assholes like you deserve to spend a night in prison with Bubba.
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Oct 22 2002, 11:14 PM
The usual--mailbox bashings and eggs that expired in July. Muhahahha, they are stockpiled in the fridge. Senseless acts of violence rule!!

ok that's mischieve night, I'm talking holloween
Shit, that's about every other weekend--and it's like I am going to drive 500 miles, locate your mailbox and personally bash it myself, Prowler.

last year we only got about 8 little trick or treaters. ended up with 4 or 5 unopened bags of candy. halloween around here is dead, except for parties.
heh i think this year me and my friends are all gonna get drunk and play paintball in the streets with all the trick or treators....actually prolly not tho cause i bet we'd end up killin some little kids :o

i dont think that would go over well. so i dunno whats up yet
Originally posted by 92CivicCx@Oct 23 2002, 03:58 PM
are you sure about that

Yes. Being drunk does not = fun to me. Hanging out with friends having a good time = fun to me, not getting blitzed and messy.