Anyone know about grass?

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So I have a red maple in the front yard that never drops it's leaves until very late in the year.
This year I happened to be away for 2 weeks in November when we got 8-12 inches of snow, on top of said leaves.
As the snow is melting away it's looking like the grass under the leaves is all pretty toasted.
I won't have any time to deal with planting, raking, watering etc until after tax season, mid April.

Looking for any suggestions for simple easy grass solutions for shaded areas that get abuse from dogs (pee).
If it's male dogs, the grass should be fine. If you have female dogs, their pee will kill the grass. Depending on yard size, i'd consider turf.

If you actually want to plant grass, April is fine. It only takes a week before you see sprouts. But for the work, a strong steel rake to scrape up all the dead grass will be sufficient. Get some seed from your local home center. Lay it down and throw a layer of clean dirt or sand over it and you're likely going to be fine. The key is to ensure you water sufficiently. A good soaking in the AM and before go to bed is key.

Your options really just depends how much work you want to do and how much money you spend.
Replant affected areas with a more urine-resistant grass.
Ryegrass and Fescue are the most urine-resistant type of grass, while Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda are the most sensitive.

Learn something new everyday.
Word. I have a female dog and she burns tons of holes in the grass. I really don't care much about it anymore... It was nice... Now its a mud pit with yellow spots. Eventually I'll tear it up and do turf in the back for when the kid starts playing in it.
I have had the grass regrow since its still dormant.

My male dog burns holes in the yard, I put down lime to help.

Do you have a mom and pop agricultural store near you? One near me has different store made blends for the area. They have a lot of knowledge of what works compared to home depot, etc.

I am not an expert but any of the those quick fix with the fertilizer do not work. I have had better luck with seed, light straw (not hay because of seeds), and plenty of water.

I have a lot of seed to put down where my neighbors old crab apple tree killed my grass. My driveway is a mud pit because of it.
Had a buddy that worked at an excavation company, the stuff they used to spray out of the hydroseeder was pretty much guaranteed to sprout anywhere, even on the back of the trailer where some had spilled.

Hopefully some of it comes back. We'll see how it goes.
Turf management is my job. I run an athletic field program for a large city parks department. At the very least get all the leaves off the turf if you haven't already, rake it out really well rough up the soil and throw a little seed on top. Most of that will germinate this time of the year but the most important thing you can do is get some fertilizer on it to get it growing in so weeds don't take over the bare areas.
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Turf management is my job. I run an athletic field program for a large city parks department. At the very least get all the leaves off the turf if you haven't already, rake it out really well rough up the soil and throw a little seed on top. Most of that will germinate this time of the year but the most important thing you can do is get some fertilizer on it to get it growing in so weeds don't take over the bear areas.

Hey Chad, if you ever get bored, you can come by and help with my backyard and drink some beer. *note: backyard is turf. so basically just beer drinking*
Is it sad that these are the kinda threads I actually look forward to now?

My grass in the back is shit. The grade is horrible and we have about 2 inches of good soil on top of a clay base so it's constantly flooded. Add to that a dog that runs like a gazelle and you end up with a soupy mess.

The front yard is covered in shade from a silver maple and the grade isn't much better.

Once I get my act together and build a new garage I'll dump 60 yards of soil in the back and reseed or hydroseed but there's just no point right now.
Artificial turf? Got room to shoot some bows?

There's always room to shoot if you shoot straight up!

My backyard is only a 12'x30'. I have room for a smoker, 8x10' patch of turf, and a patio with outdoor furniture and gas heater. So definitely no shooting. However, I do have a big park opposite my driveway and the cemetery isn't too far. lol

Gawd I need to get my back yard in order. I really want to pour some concrete around the outside and build a big deck on my hill.

Thats most of the area I'm dealing with.

I don't know how y'all can stand to be so close to your neighbors. And I absolutely love my neighbors.
Shit, I need to start working on my grass. I think 98% of my yard is weeds. That's what the green is, not grass.

Also, agree on living that close to the neighbors. Luckily I have a double lot and a tree line blocking one and the other side are pretty good people. Behind is another tree line and an alley separating.
I just overseeded the parts of my grass nearest the house/garage on Sunday. I had to let leaves sit all winter, which sucks. Gonna have dead spots.
There's always room to shoot if you shoot straight up!

My backyard is only a 12'x30'. I have room for a smoker, 8x10' patch of turf, and a patio with outdoor furniture and gas heater. So definitely no shooting. However, I do have a big park opposite my driveway and the cemetery isn't too far. lol

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Reminds me of my old house in maple valley. Now my back yard is about 3.5 acres