April 24th......

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Bringing an extra chair just in case the seating situation gets tight, but I doubt it given the amount of furniture Clayton has bought. Just want to give a heads up I'm bringing a friend in addition to EP3Moschini (used to have the white EP3 back in the day). He's good friends with Chris, but is not a member on HS - but he will be throwing in cash for food.
Night-time JDM dinner.

Airjockie....2 for JDM Food, 1 for JDM drink
Chris 1 for JDM food 1 for JDM drink
Brian 1 for JDM food.. maybe a couple hits of sake. not interested in jdm beer.
Adam 1 for JDM food, no drinks
Doug 1 for JDM food, 1 for jdm drink + last year's monniez.
Dennis 1 for JDM goodness (aka food)

Daytime Lunch
Airjockie.... 2 BBQ grills, Location, 32 bottled waters.
Chris.... hotdogs and buns, case of soda
B - big ass world famous pasta salad
Adam - I'll just bring a batch of Soda.
more of what you'll be missing tomorrow if you don't show up :D my world famous antipasto :)

yes, there's bacon in it :)


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yeah thats it !!!!

ok guys im totally new to this honda game but i cut my teeth on vws for years and have a preaty good grasp on mechs stuff so help a mofo out ! my current project is to stuff a 00 civic motor trans and suspension into a 66 austin america anybody willing to give a few bits off info please drop me an e mail thanks jay
really dude? this is a meet thread. start a new thread for yourself in a tech area.
About to head to the Dojang to test for my Yellow Belt. After that, I hit the road.