azenis backwords??

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i jsut got some azenis and the left and right one are different. the treds go different ways. are they supposed to be like this???
anyone else got azenis?? like the lines in the tires are going different directions?

maybe i should ask this...

do azenis have a left and right?
Read the side of the tires. If they both say out side on them, then they are on the right way.
they do both say outsie but the the lines go different ways hold on i will go take a picture.

see how the tred lines go different ways?? they are both facing the right way with the insides on the inside and the outside on outside.
i think what you want to know is...NO there is no "left tire tread" and "right tire tread". just inside and outside. the tread on the opposite side will appear backwards no matter what.
ok thanks...

i did look on it and it does say INSIDE and OUTSIDE. i just wanted to know if there is a right and left. because i saw the tred lines going in opposite directions. in the picture i placed the inside facing eachother and the outsides facing the outside like they are supposed to be...
you know what will really blow your mind? no matter which tires you put on which sides, the treads will always go the same direction for each side. :bow:
well i just wanted to make sure they didnt send me like 2 left tires or 2 right tires( if they had made left and right tires)