can't be serious

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We are pretty close to pigs in terms of flesh/meat and skin.

Not sure how it actually happened that the impregnation was possible though
We are pretty close to pigs in terms of flesh/meat and skin.

Yeah, there a LOT of similarities actually. Our hearts are very similar as well, which is why they use pig heart valves to replace failing valves in humans. I think the article mentioned that...
Guys, it is The Daily Mall. About as worthy of a news source as Honda Swap...
HS is so much more an authority in news. just sayin
One theory I always liked was that monkeys came down from the trees in search of food. Ate some magic mushrooms which cause a cognitive shift in their brains, thus we still have monkeys as well as "evolved" monkeys.
Obviously the aliens bred the pigs with the monkeys to create a species obsessed with concentrating elements and minerals so they can come back in thousands of years and scoop it right off the surface.
Obviously the aliens bred the pigs with the monkeys to create a species obsessed with concentrating elements and minerals so they can come back in thousands of years and scoop it right off the surface.
I always figured they gave us all the technological advances that keep making us fatter. Then they're just going to farm us.
That's what his alien puppet masters want you to think.