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i guess i just hang out with the wrong crowd but yes. there is alot more crime in colorado than you think. colorado is #1 in the USA for drug use. you can go ahead and debate me on this but you will not win, its statistics. we are 49th in the country for funding for schools, and 50th in the country for funding for the arts. GREAT STATE!!!
yeah, no Joke. In the springs, you can't even go to the citadel mall with wrong colors on, without worrying wether or not you'll get stabbed. there is a lot of crime. that being said, HELL YEAH THE HILL CLIMB RULES!!! HEY DOHCVTECACCORD, maybe we can meet up at the hill climb. It is on june 28th in 2004, I am volunteering to be a race steward. i get free tickets to the race and food and uniforms. I waited like3 years on a list to get this position and thtey finally called me and said they have a positon open, so I took it. next year is gonna fuckin rule!!
I am so there, I am requesting the time off right now. :) The Hill Climb has become a standard event from here on out.
How far away is Longmont from Denver?
Because i'm from Quebec, Canada. and i'm applying on a job in Denver, Colorado.
Originally posted by lsvtec@Nov 26 2003, 05:25 PM
I am so there, I am requesting the time off right now. :) The Hill Climb has become a standard event from here on out.

Fuck yeah, the Hill Climb has become sort of a religious Mecca for me. I will be there, without question.

ryanwolfe, we should definitely meet up this coming June, We had quite a posse there this past year. Click here for some pics.

ovcrash, Denver is only about 30 minutes away from Denver. Let us know if you get the job.
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Nov 27 2003, 11:37 AM
ovcrash, Denver is only about 30 minutes away from Denver. Let us know if you get the job.

I think you mean Boulder is only 30 min from Denver. :)
longmont to denver is a doable drive.. but it depends on WHERE in denver your interview is, the denver area is impossibly huge and includes, but not limited to, LODO, downtown, thornton, westminister. etc etc etc etc. that is all the greater denver area. so give us a specific county or location and ide be more confident in that. it also depends on what hours you work. if you plan on commuting during rush hour on i25 you better leave an hour early or your fucked. if not, im sure its doable in 20 minutes if you speed.
I have made it to LODO from Longmont is 30 minutes. It probably (read definately) wasn't legal though.
lol, yo lsvtec, where do you live, if youve already posted it im sorry. ide like to meet up with you and check out your engine, maybe learn some stuff eh?
I WILL be at the Hill Climb. Oh yes, I WILL be at the Hill Climb. For I am THE Rally Monkey.

the only problem I've got with CO is that there really isnt that much in the way of work for me (musician). I'll probably end up in Cali or New York, or worse(like Texas).
Originally posted by cointelpro@Nov 29 2003, 01:29 AM
lol, yo lsvtec, where do you live, if youve already posted it im sorry. ide like to meet up with you and check out your engine, maybe learn some stuff eh?

Right now I live in Las Cruces, NM. But eventually I hope to return to CO after I get my degree. I will be up in CO the wee before Xmas though...
I felt like bringing this post back from the dead because I love Colorado. 90accordh22 and myself are both from Thornton, for those of you who didn't know.
I lived in longmont colorado till about 2 years ago when i moved to socal but i am actually thinkin about movin back to longmont now. I will be up there for christmas and i can go snowboarding again :D , thats what i miss about colorado the most is being able to go to top notch mountains every weekend for cheap.

Bye the way any of you board? I need a buddy to go with, i hate goin alone.
Originally posted by lsvtec@Dec 21 2003, 12:24 AM
Absolutely not. Especially because Nebraska is in the mid-west.

Nebraska > Colorado :peace: