Convo of the day

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yes, here it goes... yet another ricer banned from my buddy list...

JdMSihatch: hey sup
pissedoffsol: hi
JdMSihatch: i gottah question were can i find 99 fenders
pissedoffsol: how the fuck should i know
JdMSihatch: cuz i got in accident an mah cars a 98 im tryin do 99 conversion
pissedoffsol: try
JdMSihatch: cuz u honda places so expenisve
pissedoffsol: im not a honda place
JdMSihatch: ohh
pissedoffsol: does it say, Hi, we sell body parts
JdMSihatch: no
JdMSihatch: i was just wonderin sorry
pissedoffsol: does it say, Hi, we sell ANYTHING
pissedoffsol: we are not a store. we are a tech site. thank you, and have a nice day
hey B do u know where i can get an aluminum wing?? how much do you guys sell them for?? lol.. ricers can be so funny sometimes
I was reading SCC in my math class last week. This fuckin' annoying botard started askin me questions about my car and what I plan on doing to it. I knew all along he had no idea what a B20 is or even a 2.2L for that matter but I told him anyway. After I was done naming of all this shit he's just like "where can i get 'altessas' for my grand am" I'm like "first off its altezza not altessa, and second it's people like who give compact car performance a bad name". Point being, not only is this kid a ricer, but he's of the worst kind; a wanna be ricer!!! I got all kinds of people (wanna be ricers) at my schhol who ONLY do the following things to their cars: wheels, tint, body kit, maybe exaust. The got like brand fuckin' new integras and do no performance mods. My '91 hatch has stock exterior and a nice bash on the front drivers side, all burn all those fuckers away....
i had to switch screen names because i would come back from class to:

"where is are the VTEC wires go on a 86 honda accord with a h22 swap turbochargter"

response: what the fuck are you talking about?

"can i use a tranny from my 89 DX and put it into my boyz 2000 hatch with a rsx-S swap?"

response: what the fuck are you talking about?

so no one IM me with stupid shit anymore lol!
im not nice cuz i get pissed off. the people who randomly IM me and go:

can you ______________

i tell off

the ones that go

hey- i saw your name on XXXX board, and i was wondering if you could help me out with something if you have a mineut.

I talk to.

politeness plays a key factor.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 23 2002, 11:11 AM
politeness plays a key factor.


I get a ton of just "Hey wassup" from people I don't know... those all get ignored. Anyone else who IMs me with tech stuff usually expects me to know exactly who they are and what their setup is from their user account name on AIM or ICQ, and sorry- I'm not God... not omniscient. Most of them are junk questions or spam which get ignored anyway. Then again, the away messages help quite a bit too- plus the fact that I'm never at home.
Originally posted by pills_PMD@Dec 23 2002, 11:49 AM
i had to switch screen names because i would come back from class to:

"where is are the VTEC wires go on a 86 honda accord with a h22 swap turbochargter"

response: what the fuck are you talking about?

"can i use a tranny from my 89 DX and put it into my boyz 2000 hatch with a rsx-S swap?"

response: what the fuck are you talking about?

so no one IM me with stupid shit anymore lol!

haha dude, most of those IMs are from me trying to be funny and trying to be a ricer. B)
This is why I don't put my screen name on here anymore. I used to about 5 ricers for every nonricer. I also got a lot of yo wud does dis run yo.
I dont have my sn on here anymore b/c i would get messages like this.

*someone*: Hey who is this?
*me*: do you call someone and ask who it is? no, so tell me who this is.
*someone*: well you were on my list
*me*: then remove me, then fuck off, thank you

I hate ppl who call and ask who it is they called and i hate ppl who IM you and ask who they IMed.

Im sure B hates my 430am IMs.. hey man.. my half awake, shit conversations :P