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i work at crower trying to help out honda heads and yet i get a message about getting banned??very interesting:confused:
because alot of your posts are bullshit..we dont care where you work,if you have dumbass posts then we dont want you here.
Dude, I really think you are pressing your luck by RE-posting the same type of thread again in the wrong section. Your last thread got locked by B for a reason. Take a deep breath, relax or else you will get hit with the :ban: stick.
ok i just looked at all your posts..they are all garbage,nothing but bashing people,flaunting crower,and asking dumb irrelevant questionsand if you work at crower why were you asking what the differance between brian crower and crower???
i smell a bullshitter,,
i work at crower trying to help out honda heads and yet i get a message about getting banned??very interesting:confused:

Bullshit. You don't work for Crower.

Companies like Crower don't send people out to play dumb and "test the waters" on Internet forums, especially someone as unprofessional as yourself. If you did work for Crower and were actually involved in the Honda scene, then you'd most likely have a general idea of how forums like this one work.

Your shit keeps getting deleted because you keep posting it in the wrong section. This is the lounge area. It's clearly labeled as a "no tech questions" zone. If you come in here and post questions about parts and try to sell shit your posts are going to be deleted. Is this so hard to understand? This is why we have all the different tech forums, and the "for sale" forums, so people can post their shit in the appropriate place.

Seriously, you're an idiot. And you don't work for Crower. Just shut the hell up and leave please...
you were already warned about being banned if you made another pointless topic.. will be discussing this with the owner (the one who warned you)
All you did by signing up here was give crower a bad rep.

You spammed stupid shit.
You violated our advertiser rules.
and now you're just wasting my time.

Don't waste my mother fucking time.
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