Crx With Y8 Head

  • Thread starter Thread starter S13Less
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My setup:
d16a6 w/d16y8 head. (found out the compression is 11.2:1)
msd-switch, vtec comes on at 4500rpm
d16z6 fuel pressure regulator
a6 intake manifold and exhaust, looking for y8 i/m
stock crx ecu
timing: 15 BTDC

Basically, I've been looking around the internet and every website tells me that the redline or fuel cut-off on the CRX is 7000rpm. And i haven't tried redlining until last nite, in second gear getting onto the freeway and to my surprise it seems like the fuel cut-off was like 6750... i tried again later in first gear and i got it up to maybe 6850. Is there something wrong? I don't know anyone else with a CRX so i'm counting on you guys.

My other question is... what is really the highest rpm you can safely rev the stock CRX? is it 6500 like on the tach? what about with my setup? stock d16y8 (96-00 civic EX) peak power is at 6600rpm so i figure i should rev a couple more hundred rpms past that.

Will the 88-89 integra ECU work plug in? i heard it has better fuel and ignition curves/maps.... and ups the redline to 7500... but i want to know what's safe to rev up to.

Will getting a V-AFC remove my rpm-limiter?

also i'd appreciate your opinions and suggestions... (besides doing a motor swap)
the vafc will not get rid of your rev limiter. you should rechip your ECU.. the valve train is good up to aroun 7200.
ok... once again, can anyone tell me if there's something wrong with my motor refusing to rev to 7000rpm? can anyone answer my other questions or enlighten me?
it would be something in the ECU that cuts you off...

if you are using the stock crx ECU... i assume you aren't engaging VTEC at all??

you need to get an ecu that will activate VTEC... i am sorry i do not know which integra ECU will work for your application.. but the crx ecu is most likely activating the rev limiter.
omg... did u read my post?
"msd-switch, vtec comes on at 4500rpm" ... i have an msd switch wired in... and at the moment it's set to trigger the vtec solenoid at 4500rpm.

but thanks for telling me what you think the valvetrain can handle.

can anyone tell me that they've rev (without over-downshifting) their stock crx si to 7000+rpm?

i read it.. i just forgot by the time i replied again

i revved my d16z6 head to 7200 without any issues
first, okay after several hours of online research i have found information BY MYSELF and WITHOUT the help of anyone on these boards. ECUs have two different revlimits... ;) one when the engine is "warm" and the other when the engine is "not warm." i believe i have a colder thermostat which never really allows my cooling system to get to the temperature that my ECU sees as "warm."

second, along with that information i have found compression ratio calculators on the internet and have found that my compression ratio with d16a6 block and unmilled d16y8 head is 10.33:1.

My plans are to get a PG7 ECU from a 88-89 Integra to raise the rev limiter and use a V-AFC to tune the fuel maps. Thanks for all the help you didn't give me, but thanks to who had good intentions. :)
what are you talking about? everyone told you to get a new ecu, you're a jackass
one, where the FUCK do u get the off calling me a jackass. where's your argument!?
-"everyone told you to get a new ecu" -
who'd everyone be? oh the two people who put there two little cents in meager replies. The only thing that i made sure of from the replies of pills_PMD is that "the vafc will not get rid of your rev limiter" and pissedoffsol supported that "its the ecu." pills_PMD said, "you should rechip your ECU" and pissedoffsol said, "i highly suggest converting to the p28 ecu." neither of them TOLD me to simply get a new ECU. which ecu are you implying mr. everyone-should-be-able-to-read-my-mind!? and if u implied me getting a new stock ECU for my crx, and that didn't change a thing, where would I be then, huh? Or maybe u didn't get far into reading the post, assuming that you could read, and find that an ECU has different rev limiters on the basis of water temperature in the cooling system.

and, "what am i talking about?" what are you complaining about!? i'm giving details on my setup and my questions. do you want me to ask exceedingly broad questions like "what's the best motor for my car?" when that dumbass doesn't state what his car, budget, goal, etc. are. damn.

I wasn't helped much here but the little assistance I received I appreciated and thanked for, but then I get shit for it.
thanked people for what help you got?
first, okay after several hours of online research i have found information BY MYSELF and WITHOUT the help of anyone on these boards

-"everyone told you to get a new ecu" -
who'd everyone be? oh the two people who put there two little cents in meager replies.

yes, i guess that was everyone that replied to your post, maybe because it was answered the first time?
the vafc will not get rid of your rev limiter. you should rechip your ECU.. the valve train is good up to aroun 7200.

and then pills says AGAIN.
it would be something in the ECU that cuts you off...

then you reply
omg... did u read my post?
"msd-switch, vtec comes on at 4500rpm" ... i have an msd switch wired in... and at the moment it's set to trigger the vtec solenoid at 4500rpm.

obviously you can't read, or you dont know what the hell you're talking about.
if you're going to be a dickhead, dont ask for help.
this is where the FUCK i get off.
i'm very proud you actually did some research on your own...
thank you, please drive through
lol... in some twisted way i find you hilarious. first of all, they did help, but they didn't really try to answer my questions. so it was half and half. they did help, i dono why u think they didn't. it wasn't answered the first time, it was replied too, but not necessarily answered all my inquiries. when pills said its the ecu that cuts me off he wasn't referring to vtec dimwit... he was referring to my rev limit and u quoted me talking about my vtec activation.

i got heated like anyone else, and if you're human so do you. but i don't go around starting shit. so squash it.

i can read and i know what i'm talking about. i just caught u plain and simple unable to support your own argument and probably getting yourself confused in doing so, oh no, is this sentence too long.

seriously tho, u have no right to call me names, but if u want to, buy me a round-trip ticket from SFO, get some boxing gloves and rent a ring and let's go.

peace out.
lol, you call me funny.... ya, lets fight on the internet, word, i live in vacaville dude, i'm not that far from SF. but anyways, i just dont like seeing people like you get pissed off because someone answered your question and you dont know what they are talking about.
when pills said its the ecu that cuts me off he wasn't referring to vtec dimwit...

ya, pills was talking about your rev limit, but for some reason you were talking about your vtec!!??... this was my point for putting up the quotes.... and support my argument? oh god, never mind, you are usless, guess the all that fudged is getting packed up to your brain....
S13Less you fucking suck. Not everyone is going to know or care about problems you are having with your motor. And the bigger of a dick you are the less help you are going to get. I could help you but I dont want to anymore, you had received help from 2 of the smartest people on the board and you had to be a fucktard and bitch about it. Half of import modification is trial and error and research. Do some, dont make others do it for you. And Grow up too...