damn weather.

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yesterday, it was 60.
right now, its snowing.

wtf mate?

Friday it was 66 degrees but windy as fuck, yesterday it was 49 and cloudy, today it's windy as fuck again, but it's 25 and it was fuckin snowing, then it melted, rained, snowed again, and now it's melted...

what the flyin fuck damnit....just be spring already!
Yeah, it was 50 and sunny last week in Spokane/Cheney and then on Tuesday it snowed and was cold as fuck until yesterday when it was clear and nice. Then it rained. AAAARRRRRGHH!!!
not sticking to the damn roads so it looks like school for me
i know, when i left villanova for break it was 60 during the day and sunny, i was basically wearing shorts everyday for a week- I woke up to white fluffy stuff all over the place :thumbsdown:
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Mar 8 2004, 01:32 PM
it is 100 fucking degrees out here in so cali...and has been since yesterday.

That's too hot for me... and what happens when summer arrives in SoCal? :eek:
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal+Mar 8 2004, 12:39 PM-->
@Mar 8 2004, 01:32 PM
it is 100 fucking degrees out here in so cali...and has been since yesterday.

That's too hot for me... and what happens when summer arrives in SoCal? :eek:

The same thing that happens every year... People spontainioulsy evaporate, tires melt and glue themselves to the road, flaming birds fall from the sky, the usual. :)