dont piss off your parents..

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That sucks, I couldn't bid on it!!! They should have just kicked the shit out of him and it would have been a better lesson.
haha, that rocks!!! the kid deserved it. I would have personally gave the kid 10 minutes to drink 4 40's of old e. get the kid sooo sick, that he never wants to drink again. THAT, or maybe give him a few shots of 151...wooo woooo
i woulda taken the kid, and the playstation 2 out to the backyard. Grabbed my trusty bat and gone to town on the machine, and sat there and watched in pure delight as little timmy starts with the waterworks
I would have held that kid at gunpoint and told him he was gettin shot if he didnt "aggressively disassamble" the PS2 with the quickness.
Originally posted by ktanaka@Jun 5 2004, 10:56 AM
Na, I woulda made the kid smash the PS2, not done it for him. :lol:

Sure that would be fun to do but what good would that do the mother? gee Im out 170 bucks so break your PS2 F no sell the bitch

I think that's actually a very fitting punishment for the kid. Destroying the PS2 doesn't teach him anything, but selling something of his so that he can help repay what was lost is a good lesson in responsibility.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 5 2004, 01:43 PM
fuck that. a PS2 is worth that bottle of champagne

</former classy fuck>

hey B my dad has a few bottles of wine worth 500+ each

hes a wine junky
That's awesome that they sold it...but it's even better that at 13 he drank a bottle of Dom Periogne. I'm so proud of him.
Originally posted by dohch22a4@Jun 5 2004, 12:31 PM
I would have held that kid at gunpoint and told him he was gettin shot if he didnt "aggressively disassamble" the PS2 with the quickness.

you would actually hold your kid at gunpoint?

you should sell the ps2, also, in that case....and save the money for the counseling he's going to need in 15 years.