Drummer's hand blown off in San Fran.

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let's just clarify... 'lol' doesn't always denote EVERYTHING you said was a joke. :p i love you too, sweetie.
dood did you you just quote and agree with yourself?

I hope they find this asshole and put him in jail

on a sidebar

it's ironic that San Fransico is famous for being an ultra liberal city that prides themselves on being "over evolved" compared to the "redneck" America. And then you have some asshole throwing fireworks at people

fucking pathetic

Assholes suck, California sucks, San Fransico sucks, and worst of all now somebody is going to put a Bill into the California Senate in an attempt to Ban parks because they lead to accidents like this

LOL. Go play with your granola chicks in Oregon.
Not true. I got in trouble more than once in SF... just never jailed.

Most injuries in SF are due to drivers not noticing the pedestrians... or rather, noticing and not caring, therefore running over said walker.
San fran is cool... but my god are there a ton of homeless people. That and when iw as there we walked by 7 black people, literally, smoking crack on the sidewalk :p