electric turbo

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No way would I stick an electric motor in my intake. If you don't buy a brushless motor what happens to the dust off of the brushes? In your engine . Even with a brushless, if something happens to come off the motor your engine is hosed.
it seems like it may work, although i wouldn't want it in my car, mainly because of the reason LS said, but you may be able to put some other kind of filter behind it. i still would never do it though
fuck it id try it on a beater ... if it works cool if it doesnt oh well i just wasted $100 wont be the first or last time... if it breaks and destroys the car ... oh well its a beater thats what theyre for
No way in hell am I putting something in my car that can fit an 83-02! "I have an 83 turbo'ed Astro Van" no thanks!
[Comic Book Guy] Worst item EVER [Comic Book Guy]
this is the 10th million time some one posted this shit ...........................................................................It dont work!!!!!!