Farewell All..!

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well, i guess i will talk to you all again in about 7 months. wednesday morning im shipping out to fort benning to start basic training for the army. basic is nine weeks, and after i complete that i start my 17 week ait for satellite communications at fort gordon.

for those who didnt know..! i signed for 6 years in the army in november. i chose 31S (Satellite Communications) as my MOS, and i am going in as an E-3. im looking forward to it and i think its going to be fuun.

see you guys when its over. :P
Good luck and dont get your ass shot up out there :( (i have no idea what your title means, if your not on the battle feild, just make sure to send a few SSM's over there.)
just dont pull a gomer pile on us

make sure you get loved long time too :)

good luck and stay in touch!
I had a friend who went to Benning for basic, apperently it really sucked. The funny thing about basic is though that as much as it sucked while I was there, half of the funniest things I've ever seen/heard in my life happened there. Pretty much anyone who's ever been will tell you basic is funy as shit, looking back on it anyway.
Yea basic is funny.Everyone getting used to that shit leads to some comical moments.
Originally posted by sisteve@Feb 16 2003, 03:05 PM
just dont pull a gomer pile on us

make sure you get loved long time too :)

good luck and stay in touch!

damnit, i was going to say that.


Chad- take care bro.