Finally time for a new cell phone....

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I have read the 3GS has better battery life because of better hardware and im assuming better software management (which seems to be an issue for all smart phones).

And now I hear the Palm Pre might drop to $150 on tuesday because of the HTC Hero coming out...choices, choices...
Options are definitely opening up. I haven't read much about the 3GS but now that I think about it I think the new processor is a smaller process chip so it probably does use less power.
I could never go back to a normal phone. I love having e-mail, web surfing and a full keyboard.
I don't care what you get as long as you have full access.

that google phone?
other blackberries.

all should be a win win, its just a matter of what network to use.
My only complaint is Apple's being a stubborn hold-out against Flash support.
Nope, blackberry internet sucks balls.

Iphone ftw. Really.

how does it suck?

I've used both storm and Iphone for internet. not really sure what's so bad about it, only down side with the storm is not having wifi, I know the first iphones had wifi but didn't the 2nd version go to 3G only then the new one now once again has wifi?
iPhone has always had wifi

Maybe they were going to release the newer iphones with out it but after seeing people freak out they left it?

I remember seeing a lot of threads on iphone with no wifi.

Either way, is that why the black berry internet sucks? you can download any mobile browser you want so I cant really figure out why iphone is so much better.
I came very close to getting an iphone, main reason I didn't make the jump was 1. ATT around here kinda sucks. and 2. Even with unlimited data I still had to pay extra for txt... WTF!
Not sure, but I'd never heard about them omitting it. I usually only use it while I'm at friends' places anyway.

AT&T's "let's make you pay more for every single feature" thing really does tick me off though.
how does it suck?

I've used both storm and Iphone for internet. not really sure what's so bad about it, only down side with the storm is not having wifi, I know the first iphones had wifi but didn't the 2nd version go to 3G only then the new one now once again has wifi?

Could have been the phone versions I checked out or something, but the blackberry was painfully slow.. I mean, way way way slow. Then what came up was usually a messed up half text version of the site you were visiting.. Very basic and horrible to look at. Then I checked out the iPhone and it was on of those "wow" moments.. A hundred times better imho.. Surfing is easier, looks much better (the web site looks like it was designed to look), better interface, etc.

And besides all that, you can't put i-Gun on a blackberry! :rolleyes:
opera mini > bb internet browser

Then run Opera on your black berry.

As far as the speeds go, where I live coverage sucks for some reason both for ATT and Verizon, both iphone and blackberry surfing in my house suck to the point where I wont even bother. sometimes it takes 3 seconds to load a website other times it could be 3 minutes then an error. When I'm at Linhs mothers house in northern VA, my storm is blazing fast. you click and it goes. When I was in FL I used nothing but my phone for internet and it worked wonders. but damnit, when in my house, I sure as hell don't have my network behind me. not just 3G but also normal phone use. pisses me off.
I use both, but find myself using the normal BB browser more. I don't have any issues with it, at least not after updating my OS from the factory released one that came with the launch storm.
i like the iphone quite a lot, but i have verizon and thusly the best i've been able to do is the lg env touch. which is honestly a pretty nice phone all and all. now i like verizon and all but the whole "app friendly" ads in reference to the env touch and env3, among other phones, just seems ridiculous. they are no more capable then previous phones, and certainly nothing like the iphone when it comes to the app capability and support. iphone/ipod touch is in a whole nother ball park

now if apple ever makes a contract with verizon for the iPhone (which i heard there is a real possibilty of this) i would be all over that lol. since i couldnt get the iphone for now.., i picked up an ipod touch instead lol.
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the iphone will not be coming anywhere near verizon until after the LTE network is up and running

verizon is saying they will start rolling it out in 2010 and expects to have the continental US and Hawaii covered by 2015

also bear in mind that the chips to work with the LTE network are not widely available or cost effective for mass production yet

once the LTE network is up and running it should be badass... but i wouldnt hold my breath waiting for a verizon iphone
can somebody help me? i can not find where to post my own thread?

go to the forum that looks like it most fits the topic of your thread

for instance if it is a swap related question about your 94 civic you would put it in the HYBRID EG/EK forum... if it is not swap related then it belongs in the model specific section... if it is about turbo then there is a forum for that... if it is about general maintenance there is a forum for that... if it is about wheels blah blah blah

so you go find where your topic belongs... then when you enter that forum there will be a button near the top left side that will say "New Thread"
press that
make a descriptive title... if you need to know about the EGR system then make sure your title expresses that... titles like "help" or "ummmm whats this" do not get nearly the traffic and you will end up waiting a lot longer for your answer

post your question in a clear manor being as descriptive as you can...

then simply wait... your question will not be answered immediately and it may take up to a day to get your answer

in that time you can try searching for your answer... it is almost 100% positive that someone else has already encountered your issue and it has already been discussed here... you may get your answer that way... and it might be better than the answer you will receive in your thread

good luck... and welcome to hondaswap