Going on a police ride along tomorrow

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Wrong Whole!
As some of you might know, I'm trying to get my GED. The reason for that is so I can apply to be a Police Officer. I'm testing out the waters tomorrow by going on a ride along with the Northern Anne Arundel County Police. I live in the most soutern part of Anne Arundel, but since it's very slow down here, the only thing that happens here is weed, cow tipping, and parties. "in no particular order=)" Anyways....

The nothern station is located in Baltimore, even though they list it as a Anne Arundel Station. I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow other then to dress nicly and show up 10 minutes earily, oh and I almost forgot, sign the waver.

I've been looking forward to doing a ride along for quite some time now, you guys have no idea how excited I am about this!

Has anyone on this board gone on one before? If so what should I expect? The area Im going to be in is not the best area. The south county cops told me to go up north so I could see some action and get a very good idea of what police work is like.

Welp I guess I'm gonna hit the books again. Once again it's a friday night and what am I doing? Im sitting at home working on my GED. Bah I should be out picking up girls and dancing =)

Oh one last thing. If you never see me post again after tomorrow, just check the news for info on what happened
I've gone on a ride along before with the city marshall in vegas. It's fun man. I just had to stay out of his way while he had calls. Dress Casually in slacks and a decent shirt, take notes, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Sitting in the squad car is cool. See if hell let you play with the lights or radio. I was excited too. Good luck.
Have fun! My ex is a cop in AA & my friend's boyfriend is a Baltimore City cop, but might be taking a pay cut to transfer to AA. Where to you plan to apply?

edit: AA means Anne Arundel county :)
Originally posted by SasSi@Jun 11 2004, 08:40 PM
Have fun! My ex is a cop in AA & my friend's boyfriend is a Baltimore City cop, but might be taking a pay cut to transfer to AA. Where to you plan to apply?

Lol, I thought you meant Alcoholics Anonymous. I was about to say cop + AA = remind me to NEVER visit that city.

Good luck Jeff, let us know how many people he racially profiles. :)
Originally posted by Havok@Jun 11 2004, 08:43 PM
Lol, I thought you meant Alcoholics Anonymous. I was about to say cop + AA = remind me to NEVER visit that city.

HaHa. Oops! I edited my post so ppl will know what I mean. :D
Im going to apply for AA or Calvert.

If worst comes to worst and I REALLY want to be a cop I will apply for Baltimore or DC becuase Im white it's almost a walk in the park to get in. Plus Baltimore/DC have better pay and Im guessing a better life insurance policy. :blink:
i've been on a ride along in emeryville ca, it was pretty fun. this was when i was a criminal justice major, then i realized i smoke too much pot :)
Originally posted by jeffie7@Jun 11 2004, 08:49 PM
Im going to apply for AA or Calvert.

If worst comes to worst and I REALLY want to be a cop I will apply for Baltimore or DC becuase Im white it's almost a walk in the park to get in. Plus Baltimore/DC have better pay and Im guessing a better life insurance policy. :blink:

From what I understand, it's very hard & very competitive to get into AA & like you said the pay is lower. If you went somewhere else for 2-3 yrs, it would be easier for you to transfer to AA. And yes, you can definitely walk right onto the Baltimore city force.
why didnt you graduate high school? good luck with the ride along. if you pull me over, give me a break seeing as you will be up in b more, lol.
Originally posted by GSRCRXsi@Jun 12 2004, 01:42 PM
why didnt you graduate high school? good luck with the ride along. if you pull me over, give me a break seeing as you will be up in b more, lol.

He was home "sk00led"
Originally posted by Havok+Jun 13 2004, 08:57 AM-->
@Jun 12 2004, 01:42 PM
why didnt you graduate high school? good luck with the ride along. if you pull me over, give me a break seeing as you will be up in b more, lol.

He was home "sk00led"

Being home schooled means nothing. Most home schoolers gradumawait before any normal school kids as with having a much better GPA and way better SAT scores.

Well.... I take that back. Kids who went to home school because they wanted to do VERY WELL however, the home school kids most people think about are the ones who have to take home school becuase they either got kicked out of school or just don't give a fuck. They do not do very well =)

Me on the other hand I wanted to do homeschool I just never really did anything other then music and work.

Every wonder why I can buy a 350Z or bike? it's becuase I've been at the same place for 4+ years and have worked my way to the top of the food chain AKA I get paid more then anyone else there =)~. If I did school work like I should have I would not beable to afford my car/bike =)

so keep that in mind while all of you kiddos are at school! Bahahhahahaa

I do have to say though.... if I had to do it again I would say fuck money and cars go to school and get that shit out of the way. then worry about the toys.