Got A Small Problem

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So, I was sitting on my computer this morning and I felt a tickle in my ear. I went to scratch only to find this big fuckin bug I've never seen befrore had crawled into my ear. I snapped my head to the left and he fell out so I stepped on him. But anyways, my ears been slightly muffled all day, you guys think I should check that out?
maybe its your imagination... not the bug thing... but the muffling. i would go to the doctor just to get out of class/work. good luck
Now that I reflect back, I am ashamed at my retardedness, but you can wish in one hand and shyt in the other and see which one gets filled up first. You know what I mean man?
Pouring vodka in your ear (however laughable that sounds) is actually a very smart thing to do. The ethyl alcohol in vodka is a strong solvent, which would probably dissolve whatever was in your ear (including any earwax present). It also has strong antibacterial properties.

When working with toxic bacteria in a biochemistry class, we had to use pipettes to transfer samples from petri dish to petri dish. If anyone sucked too hard, the bacteria would get into their mouth (luckily it never happened). Because of the possible danger, we always had a beaker of ethyl alcohol handy for an unlucky person to gargle and swallow in order to kill any bacteria.
:werd: I know someone that did that though, and sucked too hard, and the teacher had to induce vomiting in fron tof the the class. It sucked to be him.
Originally posted by tdehnel@Feb 25 2003, 11:16 PM
When working with toxic bacteria in a biochemistry class, we had to use pipettes to transfer samples from petri dish to petri dish.

You took a little sip didnt you? lol
Originally posted by TRuggiero_@Feb 25 2003, 01:50 PM
My cousin told me to pour some vodka in it, so I did, and I don't hear anything anymore. So, alrighty. Thanks guys.

Watch out some Hard alcohols, even some vodkas have sugar in them and that is not the best thing. i am an EMT so i like to think i have some good sense about some of this shit. If i were you and it still bothers you in the mornign have it checked out, who knows it could have been a spider or a bug that can have some sort of venomous bite. The ear is a super sensitive place and venoms around the ear can do serious damage, it does not sound like it is all that bad, but if it hurts, swells, or in the worst case senario you start loosing your hearing go to a hospital. Personally if I were you assuming you have insurance I would go as soon as convienient.
you suck on your pipets ever herd of a bulb it sucks for you crist i would have died in universitey chem by now if we sucked on the pipets are you crazy
Originally posted by 26 2003, 05:56 AM
you suck on your pipets ever herd of a bulb it sucks for you crist i would have died in universitey chem by now if we sucked on the pipets are you crazy

Do you see the wierd little dot and slash things in the center of the keyboard? They are for punctuation. Try using them sometime.
maybe it just went a little muffled cause you smacked it? pushed some air back there like a reverse suction.. im not emt though so listen to him lol
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