h22a in a eg

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can you put a h22a in a eg and still have room for pw steering and a/c? i've heard you can, just wanna get the facts out. i know for sure you cant have a/c if your boosting a h22a in a eg..or am i wrong? or can you have a h22a w/ a small turbo and still have a/c
I know a couple people running h22's in a eg with turbo and none have ac and by the way it looks it does'nt look like it would.
hasport mounts will alow you to keep AC/PS

not sure on the turbo thing
yea it can be done. you can use hasport or hcp mounts or something similar. and you can have ac with turbo depending on the manifold you use. ofcourse you will have to do some modification to the engine bay to fit everything. it will be a tight fit trying to get the compressor and fan in. but yes it can be done. i have h22 in my eg but no ac cuz i didnt want it(wieght and performance issues)....