Happy birthday?

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thanks guys. i went out last night at 12 and got a shot of ol grand dad's and let me tell you that tastes like SHIT. i am going out tonight to a bar up here so i'm sure i'll be wasted and have PLENTY of pics for you guys later
Originally posted by sisteve@Jul 23 2003, 11:16 AM
show us your T*ts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

j/k Happy Birthday :)


happy b-day babe. :wub:
Originally posted by sisteve@Jul 23 2003, 11:16 AM
show us your T*ts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

j/k Happy Birthday :)

Speaking of, I found that pic of her ALMOST doing so in my archives on my old PC. ;)
Happy Bday, Make it a good year to remember, besides getting shit faced.