Harbor freight coupons

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I love this place. They always have the big power tools I need for that one job at 1/3 the price! Good cheap shit!
Except for my MIG, my garage is like a Harbor Freight store. :thumbsup:

Some might consider that a bad thing but I use my tools so infrequently that I have no issue with them.
I dont mind Harbor Freight,but you have to watch what you buy. If it looks cheap don't buy it. They have those 20% off and a few select items in every Sunday paper. You just have to watch an item because it will be several different prices depending which ad you look at.
Bought a pit stand for the Gixxer last summer. It broke as I assembled it on day one. Like Jeef said, watch what you buy. Some things work great, some things are absolute shit.
Harbor freight tools are great for super cheap, simple, very occasional use tools. The only thing I have from harbor freight that lasted me more than 6 months is a come along. I use it maybe twice a year. Still does what its supposed to. Everything else broke and was trashed.

I just avoid them these days.
The only thing I havent broke from HF is a pry bar and rubber mallet. I try to stay away from their tools as much as possible.
I like 'em for their non-tools, stuff like rolls of tape, work gloves, hose clamps, tarps, etc etc. can't touch their prices and ti's all the same shit everywhere. I haven't bought anything big from them so i can't comment on their quality of bigger ticket items.
gotten a few things from there.. but coupons in the back of every Playboy, Maxim, etc
I buy stuff that it doesn't matter if it's cheap there.

I just picked up a Driveway Motion Detector yesterday with a 20% coupon ON MY PHONE. They took it no problems. I think I'm going to do it all that way from now on.
I could use a press. That'd come in handy a lot.
I own a engine stand and hoist from there. Both are solid as others I've used and they have worked well with my little 2.0 liter. When my dad and I get a muscle project, we'll see how they work with a V8.

We will buy cheap tools at car shows and swap meets too. Some stuff works out great and others fall short and fail (some grinding discs are great and others suck). HF drill bits suck. Hell.....good drill bits for metal are expensive. We got a drill bit doctor and it works but cheap bits are soft and still suck for metal.

My dad buys mostly Craftsmen for all his tools (garage/yard). They are close (he's about keeping it local too) and with a warrantee. We both drool over expensive tools (I'd love to own Snap On ratchet/wrench set) but we also cringe at the price to use something periodically when our craftsmen works.
Only HF tools I have are hammers. Mini sledge cost me $6 and 5 piece ball peen set cost me $10. All my other tools I use too frequently to buy cheap shit...

Craftsman stuff worked for me real good when I was using them every weekend. Once I actually got into being a tech @ a dealership full time, my Craftsman stuff just couldn't handle the abuse. Only thing Craftsman I have now is my toolbox. I don't see myself upgrading to a higher end tool box until i'm done buying tools. Which will probably be never...
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Actually, I bought the ball peen hammer I use for gunsmithing there too. $2-ish.
I have 20 of their 18 ga. pin nailers (newer red model) for my classes to use. They ran daily for the entire first semester with no real breakdown. We did bend a driving pin on one though.
I own a engine stand and hoist from there. Both are solid as others I've used and they have worked well with my little 2.0 liter. When my dad and I get a muscle project, we'll see how they work with a V8.

it worked fine putting the motor into my buddies Jeep, so i think you'll be ok
i have an engine crane, engine stand, had the race jacks, and the tire changer

the manual tire changer works fucking awesome if you know what you are doing
saved myself a ton of money over the years with that thing

the sub $100 race jack is ok as long as you don't force it
it has no inner safety bypass for over pumping, and an extremely long handle
so if you get to the top and keep going you get yourself a blown seal

hard to fuck up an engine crane or stand