hartford street racing

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anyone ever go to hartford to race? i went there for hte first timethe other night. i was just wondering if its that crazy all the time.
yeah Hartford,CT has been out of control.
I want to go and watch from a distance. I heard there are a lot of fucking people there. Where in Hartford are they?
street name deleted

just think of the race scene in the first f&f, its basically like that...
We run sometimes on a abandoned airport road here in boca, it's a good spot since there are no cars out at midnight on that road and no po po.

But wait, street runnin is illegal man <_<

been there .... its fucking INSANE :D
i go every other week or so
all the spots are closing in phx.

one spot they got tired of breaking us up so they actually put a speed hump in the middle of the "track"
E SolSi (12:23:38 AM): no point in just GIVING the info away
E SolSi (12:23:52 AM): keep the fuctards and cops away ya know
i went there for the first time saterday night, and i will never go again, the people are out of control, i was pulling out of a parking lot to go home, there was a race going on so i waited for the race to end, as the cars approched me another car decided to do a u turn and got nailed about 2 feet from my front bumber. i will never go back there again.
We've got a pretty good strip here in tows... We can USUALLY race from 11pm to 4am or so without ever seeing a cop.

Back 4 years ago or so, before all this FNTF bullshit, they would bring out a BBQ trailer and sell beer out of the back of the truck. It was awesome. ;)
Yea, in San Diego the runs used to pop every single weekend. Like a scene from FNTF every friday and saturday night. Unfortunately because of stupid ass drivers the city hired an actual "drag" unit. Their sole purpose is to go out on friday and saturday nights and go to the various racing spots around here and chill in certain areas and wait for people to street race. Pretty gay if you ask me, now everybody goes out the the track or 1/8 legal tracks we have out here.