hatch update #2

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so... since the last thread about this ive had the car moved to a shop (same place that did my brothers bodywork after he got hit) and managed to get those pics.

they said $300 to fix the frame and i said go for it.

next step is to get my tail lights and front bumper from the fucker that sold me the car, and as far as i know that probably wont happen because i think he moved out of town :angry:

but, i have talked with a few of his fomer friends that he also owes things too and we are planning on finding him :boxing:
thats $5 that i dont have lol.

but there is a chance it will be running in the spring.

as bad as the body looks, its really not that bad. my main concern is that the frame is fixed properly. then i will start getting the car back to looking like a car and swap the suspension that is on the teg over to the hatch.
Mine MIGHT run this winter... for aobut 2 weeks, then be unde rthe knife again for 2 years before it runs at all again. :(