help needed wit crank pulley bolt on d15b

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hey guys i have this lil prob for about 3 weeks now..i wann chnage my timing belt and i cant seem 2 get the bolt.i tried strategies seen on youtube but no success..cant u guys suggest ways ofthe removal and if any one has passed through dat prob ur income would b great
That was a little hard to read. Anyways, car still running? Drive it to a shop that has at least a 3/4" impact wrench or anything that's stronger than your average gun, and just have them "zap" it off. Put the bolt back on, hand-tight with a ratchet, and you should be able to get it off when you get home.
i live far from a shop thst y i try to do evrything myself and i cant use the tool cuz the bolt jsu up on the pulley i iant got no hexagon shape around the bolt
Just take it by a shop and have them break it loose with a gun as K2e2ivn suggested. Save yourself the headache and possibly busting yourass on it.
That's a good idea. Let us know how it works out.