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New Member
Hi just joined up.Found your site while surfing for info on engine swaps for my 91 CRX. Now abit about myself . I'm 55yrs young got a partner and a 5yr old boy.I don't smoke or drink so spend money on Playstation games and the CRX, it was playing NFS underground and seeing The Fast and the Furious that I decided buy a car and have some fun.In my teenage years it was Minis that got the blood pumping.So this seems to be an excelent place to meet other like mind people.Cheers.
oh boy....

ever see the TLC program, What not to Wear?

well, F&F and NFS are 'what not to wear for your car'

anyway, welcome to the site :):)
welcome. when you said Minis i was thinking of minitrucks but immediately switched to Mini Coopers which is what i think you are referring to. dont watch and get ideas from that F&F/NFSU crap. its because of those 2 that the whole import scene got ruined. BAH!!!

anyways, welcome to HondaSwap
Hi just joined up.Found your site while surfing for info on engine swaps for my 91 CRX. Now abit about myself . I'm 55yrs young got a partner and a 5yr old boy.I don't smoke or drink so spend money on Playstation games and the CRX, it was playing NFS underground and seeing The Fast and the Furious that I decided buy a car and have some fun.In my teenage years it was Minis that got the blood pumping.So this seems to be an excelent place to meet other like mind people.Cheers.
Welcome aboard :wave:

Although I like all 3 F & F and all 4 NFSU they should label them "please don't try this at home"
Thanks Guys

Yeah as you say don't try this at home,all I want is a quick daily driver plus have a thrash around our local track on open day so the mods will focus on building a quick and safe car weather on road or track.So thanks for your welcome and will catch ya later.