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So you never checked his work when you put the pan back on?

*edit- BTW- post pics of that turbo. I wanna see that again. :)
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Apr 29 2004, 02:25 PM
So you never checked his work when you put the pan back on?

*edit- BTW- post pics of that turbo. I wanna see that again. :)

no....again, this was my first major mechanical experience.

i did everything by the book, and my work was CLEAN. i am mechanically inclined...but its the little lessons that you need to learn from starting something new (i.e. CHECK SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK UNLESS YOU KNOW TRUST THEM)

i never had to check rsaeini's wiring, nor anything else he did on my car because i knew he knew his shit.

im willing to bet that the reason the engine blew, was directly related to oil not being able to go back to the pan (when i first started the car) and it damaged the blades. car ran fine and strong for about 3 months before the motor just blew up.

i performed maintenance regularly, and the car was doomed from the get-go.


i still got the turbo....took it apart, everything looks clean except for the fan blades.

wanna put it back together and put it on ebay "as is" and see how much it goes for.
ouch, all cuz of some guy who didnt know what he was doing
did he pay for anything??
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Apr 29 2004, 02:41 PM
i still got the turbo....took it apart, everything looks clean except for the fan blades.

wanna put it back together and put it on ebay "as is" and see how much it goes for.

It'll need a new compressor seal. And... it's a compressor wheel or compressor blades. Not fan blades.

Tony- 1.
Ji- 2.
Originally posted by Loco Honkey+Apr 29 2004, 02:42 PM-->
@Apr 29 2004, 02:41 PM
i still got the turbo....took it apart, everything looks clean except for the fan blades.

wanna put it back together and put it on ebay "as is" and see how much it goes for.

It'll need a new compressor seal. And... it's a compressor wheel or compressor blades. Not fan blades.

Tony- 1.
Ji- 2.


so all i would need is a compressor seal and compressor blades?

how much would that run?

i think i can install them myself, unless it requires crazy hyper jdm install knowledge :P
A new wheel and seal would be around $50- $75 new. However, I wouldn't try to install the seal yourself. As far as installing the wheel, read my shaft play post and that'll tell you how to remove and install a compressor wheel.

www.turbo-power.com rebuilds 'em. Ask for Beth and tell her Ji sent you. Beth knows her shit, but don't even try to hit on her, Tony. She'll chew you up and spit you out. Anyway, if I remember right, they do rebuilds/ cleaning/ balancing jobs for about $250. On a TDO5H, that may not be worth it, unless you're either going to use the turbo, or give it to someone who will. If I had to pay more than $25 for a small turbo that needed $250 worth of work, I'd keep looking.
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Apr 29 2004, 02:52 PM
A new wheel and seal would be around $50- $75 new. However, I wouldn't try to install the seal yourself. As far as installing the wheel, read my shaft play post and that'll tell you how to remove and install a compressor wheel.

www.turbo-power.com rebuilds 'em. Ask for Beth and tell her Ji sent you. Beth knows her shit, but don't even try to hit on her, Tony. She'll chew you up and spit you out. Anyway, if I remember right, they do rebuilds/ cleaning/ balancing jobs for about $250. On a TDO5H, that may not be worth it, unless you're either going to use the turbo, or give it to someone who will. If I had to pay more than $25 for a small turbo that needed $250 worth of work, I'd keep looking.

i like my women aggresive :P

:D :D :D

thanks ji, but i really dont have the time nor money nor patience to mail it out to get it fixed. i just want to dump it as soon as i can, for as much money as it will get me.

hopefully there is somebody out there in ebay-land who is interested in it, and knows how to repair it.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Apr 29 2004, 03:05 PM
hopefully there is somebody out there in ebay-land who is interested in it, and knows how to repair it.

Just put some stupid words in the title (CIVICJDMFASTANDFURIOUSTHISSHITADDS400HP yougettheidea) and some retard would probably buy it and maybe if you're lucky even fight the other bidders for it. I mean if you're just interested in getting rid of it and don't really care where it goes, you know? :P

It'd be like Einstein vs. Corky.

Christ, Tony's the one that hooked his fuel rail to his exhaust manifold or some crap...

funniest shit i read all week.

ji 5
tony - 2312321323213123
there is a negative sign in front of tony's score tard

loco 5
tony -393298434928390
corie 1
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@Apr 29 2004, 01:53 PM
lol... The whole state of Texass sucks. Move to the North East. That's where all the cool HS people are, and the weather and country is much more better.

north east is where its at but this august im going to my cuzins weddin in dallas(i think) it was supposed to b e in hawaii but that shit fell threw. but yeah GO EAST COASTERS
Welcome to the board

its WONDERFUL today I just got back in from riding my bike

anyways no need to worry about me leg humping you everyone here says Im gay


so um when are you um turning 18 as with moving to maryland?
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