Honda introduces first motorcycle airbag

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"Honda said the airbag opens in front of the rider, reducing the speed at which they get thrown off the motorcycle. The idea is to lessen injuries when the rider hits the road or another vehicle."

I don't see how that is really going to help you still flying off of a moving vehicle.
an ejection seat would be better...... :ph34r:
that airbag will cause more harm in the event of an accident
wearing proper gear you are MUCH safer as far from the tumbling bike as possible
not wearing gear you're fucked regardless

air bag or not if you dont have a helmet on when your head smacks off the pavement, or the curb, or the tree, or the car, or the...... your shits gunna bust like a fuckin coconut
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Sep 8 2005, 06:48 PM
that airbag will cause more harm in the event of an accident
wearing proper gear you are MUCH safer as far from the tumbling bike as possible
not wearing gear you're fucked regardless

air bag or not if you dont have a helmet on when your head smacks off the pavement, or the curb, or the tree, or the car, or the...... your shits gunna bust like a fuckin coconut
[post=551627]Quoted post[/post]​

I agree.

I can see it now. some guy is speeding down the road at 150MPH when out of no where, his airbag goes off. hahaha that guy would go flying.
How did ABC's Denver affiliates break this news story ? Are our automotive News sources really that sleepy ?

Also, remember "Beyond 2000" in the early 90s on Discovery channel? They had this invention covered, in the form that you see it in, in 1990.

-> Steve
More hurt than help, airbag is just going to send him airborn projectile-style.
I think we should make airline safety use this same system.....

KSSH "Attention, This is your captain speaking.. We were at 30,000 feet and the left engine failed, then the right one. We are currently plummetting toward the ground at 1200 mph. Inflate your airbags and enjoy the ride !" KSSH

I think we should tape NERF to the outside of cars, trucks, and poles in the summer.
Originally posted by jeffie7+Sep 8 2005, 11:33 PM-->
@Sep 8 2005, 06:48 PM
that airbag will cause more harm in the event of an accident
wearing proper gear you are MUCH safer as far from the tumbling bike as possible
not wearing gear you're fucked regardless

air bag or not if you dont have a helmet on when your head smacks off the pavement, or the curb, or the tree, or the car, or the...... your shits gunna bust like a fuckin coconut
[post=551627]Quoted post[/post]​

I agree.

I can see it now. some guy is speeding down the road at 150MPH when out of no where, his airbag goes off. hahaha that guy would go flying.
[post=551738]Quoted post[/post]​

haha, yeah. Airbag malfunctions will kill millions.

What they really need is a system like the one in Demolition man that covers the rider from head to toe in foam.
The very BEST way to completely eliminate accidents on the road. I mean Eliminate !

Remove the airbag. It's fuckin stupid.

Install a 9" Stilletto blade to deploy from the steering wheel, instead of the shitty airbag, on collision.

BAM no more accidents !
I saw that on the news this morning and I agree with you guys. The air bag is a bad idea and wearing the right gear is the safest thing to do. What is an air bag gonna do if someone lays there bike down on because they needed to? My dad had to do this to stop him self from hitting a guy on a four wheeler that wasnt paying any attention. He had the right gear on and the only road rash was on his leg because he hadnt ordered his chaps yet. Not that the chaps would have kept his femmer from breaking in two spots... But thats besides the point. I hate seeing guys on sport bikes in shorts and a t-shirt its just retarted.
has anyone seen this airbag in action?

i think its about time they actually put them on bikes...

this has the potential to make a fatal collission into one you can walk away from...
Originally posted by reckedracing@Sep 9 2005, 09:45 AM
has anyone seen this airbag in action?

i think its about time they actually put them on bikes...

this has the potential to make a fatal collission into one you can walk away from...
[post=551870]Quoted post[/post]​

Or turn minor accidents into fatal ones if they work anything like car airbags.
It'll be funny. All these stunt guys are going pop their air bags on the first day. And I don't know if you've ever been 150mph on a motorcycle, but there is a seriously scary amount of vibration.. all that vibration would make me nervous with an airbag sitting right there.

A good solution would be an airbag that comes out of a jacket. Hell, one out of each arm, one from the front, one from the back, and one that inflates around your neck to stabilize it.

Sure, you'd look like the stay puffed marshmellow man after an accident, but it'd probably cut way down on injuries and/or severity of injuries.
Maybe, just maybe, an airbag would be a good idea. If the airbag had a ramp shape to aid the rider leaving the bike in one piece, then that could be helpful. What happens when he hits the ground isn't Honda's fault. A small air bag that inflates around the handlebars couldn't hurt.
That might be better, but then the jacket would be heavy as fuck, and how would you make the bags deploy? a 2-foot tether attached to the bike?
A good solution would be an airbag that comes out of a jacket. Hell, one out of each arm, one from the front, one from the back, and one that inflates around your neck to stabilize it.

or (better example)

i saw the discovery channel program where they showed a motorcycle airbag in action and it seemed to work very effectively, to the point that i considered trying to make my own airbag sytem for a bike... key word, considered...

a lot of accidents result from car pulling out in front of you, or just entering your path in general... during these accidents you are propelled over the handlebars and either over the car onto the road, over the car into a wall or tree, over the car into oncoming traffic, or over the handle bars and directly into the side of the car or SUV...
this is the type of accident that an airbag works very well against...
instead of flying over the handle bars into any of the above unwanted scenerios, you are stopped by the airbag and saved from your unplanned flight and resulting splat...

i tried to find the video but had no luck...