house shopping continues....

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what to do...

  • offer 230k, if they take it, buy it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • offer 250, make them pay closing costs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • don't buy it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • wtf, another house thre

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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fucking multi-quotes.... i don't know why i can't ever get these things to work...

mod, edit me and fix me. i suck.
well the buyer he his/her own closing costs as well. typically far more than the seller but the seller still has costs to deal with .
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jul 11 2005, 09:34 PM
fucking multi-quotes.... i don't know why i can't ever get these things to work...

mod, edit me and fix me. i suck.
[post=524251]Quoted post[/post]​

Nothing to fix tags are good multi quote is teh broke.
Originally posted by Celerity@Jul 11 2005, 12:38 PM
Start with $230 - Then on their counter offer say "Sure, but I want you to cover closing costs"

Because as a home owner, no closing cost is worth taking a $20k dive. With barn ? this place could sell with or without you - So your only bargainning weapon is the quick closing.

But hey, lots of people are willing to cover expenses at a profit. Offering $230 is within the bargain scope, so who knows.

Never offer people what they want for the house. They went to the agent and said "I would like $240" and the agent said "Lets go with $250"
[post=524118]Quoted post[/post]​


You can come up on your offer if need be, but you can't go down.

So like the first rule of negiotation always says, "Start low, go higher and meet midway if need be."
You could drop a pizza on that carpet and lose it.

Well, with your size of downpayment, fucking buy it you retard. Wallpaper and Carpetting is NOTHING, but if you do it right it'll pick up value.

You're sitting on a damned goldmine that will cost you less than rent if you play your cards right. Shit on right, Play them at all.

-> S
try 230....the interior needs some major work.

major work? it needs some re-decorating, paint and carpet, or uber hard wood floors...

i can show you what major work looks like... lmao

usually they pro-rate the taxes... so if they paid 1200 for the year, and are selling it in the 5th month, then they will tack on 700 for your share of the taxes, but thats all done through escrow...

heating oil/propane/natural gas is the same idea, you have to pay for whatever is in the tank...

and other things agreed upon at the time of sale would be if the house needs a new roof, it can be deducted from the selling price, or if the septic is shitted, that could also be negotiated etc etc... watch out for clauses, one off the top of my head would be a "killer chandelier" which might be a family pass-on whatever the fuck, and the sellers would have that in the contract that they get that...

fuck with em, write that every bulb must be there and operational at the time of sale... i would rob all the bulbs just for laughs...

another thing that can add up is appliances... if they are included make sure they work... last thing you need is a beat fridge that you will then have to dispose of...
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jul 11 2005, 03:31 PM

I have about 30k to put down.

I'm not too worried about the loan, either. I already got pre-approved for 200k, and that was with 5k down and about a year ago..... i think if i show i have 30k now to put down, i don't think getting 30-50k more will be a big deal. Plus, I have a hook up on a realestate agent. Shell's aunt is one, and i'm going to get in touch with her this week. She can supposedly get me in for no money down.

If that happens, I can keep the 30k and tack on 500 a month for 600 months to the mortgage. plus, i can bank the 30k, and return 3-5% on it in the mean time.

There's a lot of paperwork and blue tape to work through... but this is all pre-offer talk.

[post=524248]Quoted post[/post]​

But don't forget, you didn't have the debt a year ago as you do now. Thats going to be a big factor in getting Pre-Approved. Getting Pre-Qualified for X amount of $ is a totally different story as well...
Your car payment is going to fuck you for how much you get preapproved for.
It needs a little work... Gas heat = ehh... tad more expensive than oil, but not too bad.. Also remember public sewer & water, which means more $$ a month, but its not bad...

$250k is gonna be the going rate for that house... You can try $230k, but they will probably laugh... If they say no, offer 240k and they pay closings.
I put an offer on a townhouse in Baltimore not far from Baltimore City.

asking price. 189K my offer was 195K

needless to say I lost.

If that same house was in Maryland and the asking price was 230K I'd offer 300K

but I have no idea what the market is up there so offer what you feel is good. if you get it cool if not then ohwell.
Use the 30K's you have...and pay off the STI...

get that one payment knocked out of the way...and use the remaining money for the down payment.

and yes...a big house is cool and shit...but not that big....and by yourself...even with a roommate or's still going to be a lot of work to get it the way you want it to be.

bigger place is just to much damn work...look at me...I'm over swamped with shit to do...

find you a nice little place for just you...plan on not having a room mate...but plan to have the room for one when you can...

good luck... :)
i owe more than 30 on the sti, so paying it off is not an option even if i took everything i got right now. loan was for like 37,xxx after taxes and shit even though signing cost was 32,800.
as for my debt on the car vs my approval, i was also making 5k less a year then. 550x12 = just a little more than my raise, so yeah, my debt is up, but so is my income... so while it sets me back a little, were talking like 1000 a year less, tops.

interior decorating and shit i don't give a fuck about. it's a bacholor pad, not something i need to look pretty for the wife and buy stupid shit like nick nacks and plants. as long as the rug "works" i have no intentions on replacing it. the ad says it has hard-wood floors under the carpeting anyway. so i could always tear it up if it ends up driving me nuts.

straight up, my old man offered 20k to me for a house. he said "i blew that on your sister's wedding, so i "owe" it to you too". I have 0 intentions on getting married anytime in the near future anyway. and if i do, it sure as hell won't cost 20 grand.
backyard + cateror, or plain ticket + reno :) if the girl wants something more than that, she can have her old man pay for it. lol but seriously, i dount see myself getting married anytime within the next 5 years.... hell, 10.

gas heat may be more than oil, but its not electric-- and thats all that matters. plus, it has a fire place :) and i love fireplaces :)

all in all, if it comes down to it, i'm sure my pops would co-sign with me or something. he knows i'm good for it. and if for some reason, i lose my job, and can't pay for it, i'll simply sell the damn thing and move back home or something.

getting it to the way i want it to be.... it already is. i have 0 intentions to remodel shit. like your kitchen clayton-- to me, there was 0 wrong with it. i wouldn't have changed a thing. but you re-did the whole thing to make it better. thats cool and all- but for me, as long as it had walls and a working sink, it would be fine for me.

the garage, yeah, i would have done the floor on it too. the yard? that was fine by me too. i dunno... i just think that you're idea of "the house" is a lot different than mine. that;s for later in my life-- where you are now-- where i have a girl/wife living with me and its "our home", not just "my house". i think you know what i'm getting at here.

my townhouse in college was a filthy fucking pigstye, but i loved every minuete of it. lol here's a pic of one of our walls.


yes, those are people sticking their heads through the wall. and it didn't bother me one bit.

granted, i'd like to not destroy the damn thing, but at the same time, it doesn't bother me if its not "perfect"

you guys are all looking into it as an investment. me, i'm looking for something to live in. if i happen to turn a profit on it later in life, so be it. otherwise, oh darn, i'm living, i'm out on my own doing my own thing, and i got a trippy-ass rug and you don't :P

jeffie, the market is pretty strong up here... things are getting sold pretty damn quick, but i don't think its like BMore just yet. people are getting their offers... rarely are people offering more for them.

quite frankly, i don't think its going to be a popular choice. who, besides me, wants a barn taking up half of their backyard anyway? or only a 1-car garage on the house, and have to drive through the lawn and around the back-side of the house to get to the barn? for me, its perfect. i'll keep the sti up front, and the projects in the barn.

i dunno... i feel like i'm trying to convince you guys to agree with me.

perhaps, i should just do what I think is right.
Go for it B. You sound like it's what you really want. Financially, I'm no expert but I know you wouldn't even think about it if you couldn't afford it. That's just stupid, and (sometimes) you definitely aren't that.
i love the barn in the back, my house in callaway before i moved to the beach had a 2 car in the back yard with a 2 room shop area connected to it, was our chop shop :D

its a definate plus, like you said. dd in the front. reserve the barn for
1. drag car
2. auto x car
3. drift car

in no particualr order ;)
I honestly think you need to do some more research and bank a lot more money before you enter such a debt you'll barely be able to afford.

The only reason I'd by a house with a low down is to seriously turn around and sell it after I put some TLC in it, or rent it out for a profit.

Always remember that houses are American's largest liabilities as they typically are always making payments, with your 2nd mortgage bull shit, and all that.

I know I'm being hella pessimistic, but I'm trying to attempt to keep every single person I know out of big debt.
that house is over 35 yrs old. things like a new roof , NEW window ( the old wood ones are useless) will need to bo thought of
The car payment will most likeley nt effect his barrowing power.

The total debt to income ratio is all that is going to matter. as long as it is under %36 your golden. you could have a $1000 a month car payment as long as your DTI is low you'll get approved for almost anything if your income can support the debt.