How simple is d15b w/ z6 or y8 head?

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Junior Member
Sorry to bother u guys, i know the mini me hybrid isnt ls/vtec but i was wondering if you guys could help me out. Im familiar with what i need to make the sohc vtec head work and such: vafc or rpm switch, gaskets, etc... But i was wondering how easy it was to actually do a mini me hybrid? I heard something about removing a oil plug from the d15 or something like that. I was just wondering if ne one has actually done this first hand and could give me some insight cause a lot of people say you can "do it yourself" thanks a lot for the help.
im doing this right now ... on the D15 block you will see a pin/plug lookin thing on the rear side of the block between the #2 and #3 cyl.... ude some needle nose plyers to pull io out ... thats it... other than that just get the head checked / re-faced and slap that biotch together
theres a link in one of the other posts about this that gives some tips about pulling more power out of this setup if you havent seen it already... as long as you have a book on the engine your doing with Tq specs and orders and some basic skill youll be able to walk right through it ... its legos
heres the pic of the part you need to remove


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Ahhh yes, THANK YOU KIND SIRS. appreciate the help a lot. And before i go, i read that you can put zc pistons to add some compression, but do they fit right in? any adjustments needed? Thanks again.
im pretty sure everything about the mini me is plug and play... most likely they just go right in ... maybe different rings ... im not sure but from the way it was said on that site they just go right in
Don't go with ZC pistons, while they ARE an upgrade (makes compression ratio about 11:1), they are from really old tegs, so they can only withstand about 180 whp.
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Oct 7 2002, 07:23 PM
Don't go with ZC pistons, while they ARE an upgrade (makes compression ratio about 11:1), they are from really old tegs, so they can only withstand about 180 whp.

If they can only handle 180whp, I think that would be plenty in an all-motor mini-me setup. I doubt he would be boosting on 11:1, especially if he's swapping pistons out for higher compression. You're not going to get 180whp on an all-motor D16 easily, not in something that's drivable on pump gas.