i found it-- the perfect house.

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I no that your not lookin in IL but the suggestions go for all states. I wasn't familar with the area or what goes on their as for work so I generalized.

Also most of the time to be approved for a loan its good to have 5% down better to have 10% and then most banks/states will only loan you 28% of your monthly income. Just a thought.
Originally posted by Airjockie@Jun 28 2005, 06:35 PM
we better see a post about your "toy with a beer holder" :lol:
[post=517656]Quoted post[/post]​

I need one :(
wow nice house...BUt a Little to pricey for me...
[post=517611]Quoted post[/post]​

its a little pricey for me too. i wanted to spend about 225k... but everything that is 225k needs 50k of work anyway... so i might as well jsut get the 275k house and not have to deal with it.

clayton is a perfect example. he got his house pretty cheap- but hes put a SHIT LOAD of time and effort into fixing it up, replacing shit, re-building shit...

can you imagine how long project:pissedoffhouse thread would be? lmao. it would never get done.

Pictures are deceiving.

If only I could count how many times I thought I find the perfect car online and it turned out to be a bust, I would be well...be able to count pretty fucking high.
[post=517637]Quoted post[/post]​

yup... and that's why i drove by it tonight.

its in a REAL nice neighboorhood. the street its on in pretty quiet, 3 turns off the more main road. the back yard abuts a pretty rich neighboorhood- 350k houses... islands at the turn arounds and shit.

the house looks like its needs some paint. the singles are wood. i'm not sure if i like that. i can't even succesfully complete a paint-by-number thing. lol its not BAD or anything, but there are some noticable cracks.

backyard is slanted some... probably 1 foot down for every 5 feet out... so thats what... pathagras (sp?) says a^2 + b^2 = c^2... bah never mind. lol good news is that the basement will never flood/get wet if it pours. the front of the house is pretty level, and the back goes down away from the house.
in addition to the 2nd garage, there's a matching shed and a pimp swing set :P

overall impression- i like it, but i don't think its worth 289k. i think i'd offer 260. the lot doesn't appear to be .8 acres either... looks more like .4-.5, unless theres some woods or something thats not cleared out that is also part of the property.

I'm with everyone else... that part of the country is damn expensive... thats a $120K house TOPS near me, with bonus for the detached garage.
[post=517644]Quoted post[/post]​

you also have $5 minimum wages. ours is 7 and change.

120k will get you.... a shitty condo, a 1 br ranch with 700 sq feet and no garage in the ghetto, and so on.

things are different here.

IF I got that , under my credit and down payment...it would still run $1770 a month for the mortgage....and that paying nothing but intrest.

your credit also sucks :P
mine is near perfect.

with 20k down, at 5.2%, its about 1400 a month for 30 years.
my old man offered a long time ago to help me out with a DP since i'm not getting married and he doesn't have to pay for a wedding. lol i imagine, if all my shit sells, that i'll have 35k to dump on a dp., so that will put me in the low 1300's a month.

Room-mates are cool..but they normally move on with their lives after a year or two...
and that's perfectly fine. the first couple years are always the hardest.
2 years from now, we could have massive inflation... and 200k left on the loan is like nothing.

if it goes the other way, i sell the house. its that simple.

i'm not looking to fail nor get in over my head. i can easily afford the mortgage payment, its the additional bills that would kick my ass.

if i need shit done liek a roof or plumbing, i know a lot of guys who do that stuff and would take care of me pretty good. so, we'll see what happens.
its not like i commited to this thing... i simply drove by it :P

I think you can learn a lot from the owers cars about the house. first time i drove by, no one was home.
2nd time, a ford explorere and a chyrsler concord were in the driveway. sounds like a typical mid-30's/40s couple own the place. i bet the inside is in pretty good shape.

and also...if it's under your cash that buys the house..the room mates would only respect the house for a year or so...and then they would not care for it as much.
there will be rules and such... and straight up, i won't live with anyone i don't trust or who's a slob. if they don't take care of it, i boot 'em. its that simple.

your best bet...get a house that you will be able to afford...thats a given, and get one that is big enough for you, a roomate now...and possibly a GF later and a kid if that happens.

how long have you known me?
g/f isn't happening. they are all freaking retarded. i'm quite content single.
kids? even worse. i so dont want any kids.

the shitter of it is that all the houses that are small and cheap, are in the ghetto. i'd happily live in a smaller house... but i will NOT live in certain areas.

..when you find the right GF, then the roomate gets booted to the curb.
chances are, they will move out on their own with their chick before i give the boot. lol

Big house and a big garage is not everything....it just more shit to take care of.
and dating a raving bitch isn't much fun either :P

IE...I got the house, and it needs more work than expected, and I got to spend more to fix it up just to live in, and then more to fix it up to get it pleasent to live in...and have you noticed...I'm doing more work to the house than to the cars this year...
yup- but you've always been the do-it-yourselfer... i'm too fucking lazy for that. your house is perfect for you-- but me, i would have never bought it. needs too much work and time that i'm just not willing to put into it. after you're done with everything, the value will go up. but you're still spending a shit load of money on all the improvements and all the time you're putting into to it too.

and I'm missing a shit load of racing event that I really want to go do.
me too :( but i have no real excuse. lol

Maybe next year I'll have a chance to really hit the tarmac. But also, I have to do the "rim" job just to make some easy money...and thats also not a big profit..but it might pay for a roof on the house.....I hope.
i need a side job.... something i can do like 2 days a week in my spare time.

Granted...your buying a newer house than I did...so you won't have to do too much work...
yeah.. and frankly, i'm kinda iffy on the whole 1968 thing. if really like to get one from 1985 or newer... tough to find under 300k though :(

.and with the lawn that big...we better see a post about your "toy with a beer holder" :lol:
[post=517656]Quoted post[/post]​
you're kidding right? i CAN'T mow the lawn. i'd die. my alergies are t3h suck.

i got buddies who do landscapping :)

I no that your not lookin in IL but the suggestions go for all states. I wasn't familar with the area or what goes on their as for work so I generalized.

Also most of the time to be approved for a loan its good to have 5% down better to have 10% and then most banks/states will only loan you 28% of your monthly income. Just a thought.
[post=517677]Quoted post[/post]​

the major factory closed in the mid 80s.... all those houses are now the ghetto.
lots of people moved out.

i would rather flip burgers than work in a factory anyway... so i really don't care. i'd white collar, not blue :)

i suck at quotes.. i dunno... everything looks to pair up. blah
Last edited:
She was only a raving B**** that night for me having a party on her important day...plus she said she's sorry ;)

Infact...she's turned a complete 180*...she's actually pleasent to be around now. :lol:
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Jun 28 2005, 11:01 PM
quoting > j00
[post=517788]Quoted post[/post]​

lol :werd:

I say buy it. You're not modding the STi anyway, sell the Sol and the Hatch.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 28 2005, 10:48 PM

overall impression- i like it, but i don't think its worth 289k. i think i'd offer 260. the lot doesn't appear to be .8 acres either... looks more like .4-.5, unless theres some woods or something thats not cleared out that is also part of the property.

Its all about what it surveyed at. My grandparents gained 10ft on the last survey they had since the guy measured starting after a 10ft clear way from the road. They've lived in the house for about 50 years and just found that they have 10 ft into the "neighbors" yard.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene+Jun 28 2005, 11:28 PM-->
@Jun 28 2005, 10:48 PM

overall impression-  i like it, but i don't think its worth 289k.  i think i'd offer 260.  the lot doesn't appear to be .8 acres either...  looks more like .4-.5, unless theres some woods or something thats not cleared out that is also part of the property.

Its all about what it surveyed at. My grandparents gained 10ft on the last survey they had since the guy measured starting after a 10ft clear way from the road. They've lived in the house for about 50 years and just found that they have 10 ft into the "neighbors" yard.
[post=517808]Quoted post[/post]​

That happened to my parents as well, only they found it was just about 4 feet on the east side of the driveway since the fence line bends eastward in the backyard, they never realized that that strip was part of their block of land until they had the house appraised and the property surveyed.
Originally posted by Airjockie+Jun 29 2005, 12:02 AM-->
She was only a raving B**** that night for me having a party on her important day...plus she said she's sorry ;)

Infact...she's turned a complete 180*...she's actually pleasent to be around now. :lol:
[post=517790]Quoted post[/post]​

lol- that wasn't directed at her... :lol:

Originally posted by 2000Si@Jun 29 2005, 12:07 AM
Battle Pope
@Jun 28 2005, 11:01 PM
quoting > j00
[post=517788]Quoted post[/post]​

lol :werd:

I say buy it. You're not modding the STi anyway, sell the Sol and the Hatch.
[post=517798]Quoted post[/post]​

sorry, i suck at quotes :(

hatch and sol are up for sale... not modding the sti for a while...
working on buying something.

if not this house, than something.

still looking
not rushing into one big regret.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 28 2005, 11:43 PM

not rushing into one big regret.
[post=517819]Quoted post[/post]​

Yes... that's good thinking.

If I had a good job and no debt I'd consider buying that hatch.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 28 2005, 11:43 PM

sorry, i suck at quotes :(

hatch and sol are up for sale... not modding the sti for a while...
working on buying something.

if not this house, than something.

still looking
not rushing into one big regret.

If there's one thing I've noticed on this board it is that YOU DO suck very very very badly at quotes.

Secondly, if I may make a suggestion, I suggest you sell everything off, collect your cash, survey your finnacial worth, figure out exactly what you have and THEN go looking with money in hand.

By the time you get assets sold off and money together, the house you're looking at is going to be long gone. You're just going to be shooting yourself in the foot, wishing what you can't have.

Now I'm not saying don't do your research ahead of time but I am saying that you're having these little stars and bursts of ideas float in your head well before they're due.

From what you've posted, I don't think there's anyway in hell you're going able to swing the money for this house before it goes under contract unless its a clinker that no one is interested in - which would suggest its not all its cracked up to be.

My point basically being, I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch. This most likely isn't the perfect house because you haven't even looked inside it yet.
IMO, they are asking too much for it-- so i have a feeling its going to sit for a while, and then get the old "price reduced" deal.

we'll see.

again, im not "set" on this or any house yet. hell, i don't even have a realestate agent. this is just me, driving by, and drooling :P
B, I know a shitload of painters if you need one.

Don't rely on a roomate, people change, people get married, etc and won't live with yuo for ever. Make sure you can afford it on your own and have the roomate as spare cash. And you statement about 1985 and newer houses, actually older houses have a much longer life expectancy than newer houses.
This comes from a guy that does house inspections.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Jun 28 2005, 08:49 PM

Secondly, if I may make a suggestion, I suggest you sell everything off, collect your cash, survey your finnacial worth, figure out exactly what you have and THEN go looking with money in hand.

By the time you get assets sold off and money together, the house you're looking at is going to be long gone.

[post=517830]Quoted post[/post]​

I am going to get sick if one more person says a car or any possesion that doesn't make him more money then it costs to own is an assett. Seriously. They're liabilities. Sell them.

Financial Literacy>>>Everyone
look into how many days it has been on teh market pissedofhouse*. If it has not been on the market for long of course you can't lowball to bad but when its up in the 100's of days then i would through what ever offer you want. Also in the whole fact of the matter your counting not counting all the details the money comming out of your pocket for closing cost, taxes, fees, appraisals, home owners , and many more things i think it will total 7k or more depending on the taxes my house was 289 and it was 7k in mn for all my closing ! luckily I sold that piece the taxes were fucking outragious. Any ways i personally would look into some thing newer yes. Have a home inspection done for sure to find out if there are any things not to code/par - the roof, foundation , walls , plumbing electrical, etc. Look for mold if you say alergies is a helix for you you dont need the mold it is horrible specially in an older home. if i were you i would offer 265 and they pay the closing costs or some shit . 289 with zero down me just paying closing costs with a 760 credit score costed me 1800 a month! not to bad and it wasnt and interest only or ballon those are for idiots who might as well be renting ! if you cannot afford it all the way do not buy it all you are doing is given them money hoping the value will go up, and once the value does go up and you just happen to like the house you need to refi and what do you do, refi the whole friken amount and you have payed ----zero --zilch - proving your initial plan sucked ! well these are my 101 lessons on buying a house ill be buying my 3rd house some time next year im back with the rents with 100k this time for dp and im only 24 =p and that was made in 6 in 6 months of my second house my first house was a box with 4 walls made maybe 10k on it in a year ! newer = better= makes way more money!
B, Buy something fast....I don;t feel like moving out with my friend kevin cause he is moving to meriden in the GHETTO, literally......andi wanna live in brstol but can;t afford to buy something my self ;)
lol- thanks for the pressure asshat. :P

like i said before, i'm not rushing into anything.

simply tell your boy to F off if you don't want to live in the ghetto. lord knows i wouldn't.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 29 2005, 09:01 AM
lol- thanks for the pressure asshat. :P

like i said before, i'm not rushing into anything.

simply tell your boy to F off if you don't want to live in the ghetto. lord knows i wouldn't.
[post=517958]Quoted post[/post]​

I'm not rushing you

Sweet house


My parents are getting a house built in Pennsylvania. Maybe you could tryresearching new home developments. They got a 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath and 3 car garage all on like .5 acres for 270ish. Now of course you dont need a house that big but it is just a thought. That house you first posted in my neighborhood... double that cost and in mdlax's area i wouldnt doubt if it would hit 650k+. Maryland is for the birds :D
Only in New Britain can someone list a house as "slammin"
