i hate my friends...

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i've had 3 semi-serious relationships i guess... at least they last more than a couple months or whatever...

so i guess its more like 8:1

i miss college...........
man whore
10-1 is just a number i pulled out of my ass...

i've had 3 semi-serious relationships i guess... at least they last more than a couple months or whatever...

so i guess its more like 8:1

i miss college...........
Damn dude, B is leaving me in the dust. But I just did get out of a relationship.
my god...how do i feel like the minority on the white chick being hot.

thats just plain wrong.
:confused: Not saying i wouldnt do the black chick, just i guess i just date tiny girls.

i dont think ive actually been with anyone taller than 5'5 weighing more than....lets say 120 to be fair (cause i dont know).

I tried getting with this 5'9 130(?) chick a while back and she blew me off (not in the sexual way).
pics have been posted...the question is, can you see them :ph34r:
ill post 1. :)

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