I spanked a Kia!!!

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WRX Sellout
Of course, that isn't strange or spectacular news by itself. However, since my car is still cracked up, I'm occasionally driving my brother's 95 Ford Escort to work.

Anyway, he was pissed that he couldn't cut me off by jumping into my lane around a slow person, so when he tried to go around me after the slow person was behind us, I floored the pedal and put all of those 95 horses to work. We hit around 90 on the freeway, with me pulling on him the whole way.

So, there you have it. An Escort beating a Kia. Posted on a Honda board. :lol:
Damn, that means my girls civic is faster than a Kia, gee there's a surprise. When does the Accord get to see action again?
Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow!!!! Jesus F'in Christ I can't wait. It's been too long. It MIGHT be Monday, but I'm hoping and praying for tomorrow.
You get her back without all the pits and dings in the hood too :thumbup:
wooohoooo. i will pray too.. lol :P
Yeah, I just didn't feel like typing out all that shit again. I was hoping I could just link to the old board, but it seems it's finally out of commission.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Oct 17 2002, 10:57 AM
i missed this-- what happeend to the accord dude?

he rear ended an suv at 20mph cause he was looking at a jogger. the suv slowed to make a turn, i think. like trinity said...if it wasnt a godforsaken suv, the bumpers would have matched and thered be very little damage.
Well, I'd like to amend that story a bit. Makes it look like I was oogling someone on the side of the road.

I was going into work super early (before 6am), and I was prety tired. We were heading for a green light, and as we were getting to it, I saw a jogger come out of an alley right next to my car. I turned my head, because I saw someone running toward my car (kinda instinctual). I can't even remember if it was a guy or a girl. Well, I turned my head back to see the light yellow, and the guy in the SUV in front of me was slamming on his brakes to stop at the yellow. If we had both continued at our speed, we both would have been through the light without running a red. But, he decided that he wanted to brake at a yellow.
So, the crash was only at around 15mph, but since he was an SUV, I went right under him and cracked up my hood, bumper, passenger front fender and radiator. Like rixXxceboy said, if it had been a car, we would have smacked bumpers, the damage would have been around $500 total, and we both would have driven away. Instead, I slid right underneath him, my damage was $3500, his was $300, and my car was out of commission for 3 weeks. :angry:
That sucks, but when you lower a car your bumper is lower allowing your car to get damaged evenmore. That is why I hope I never rearend someone in my Civic.
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Oct 17 2002, 04:07 PM
Fuck just talked to the body shop.

Call them up and say:
"Um, guys I'd appreciate it if you quit jacking off, fucking around, or what ever it is you are doing, got off your asses and finished my fucking car."

Seriously this is a week and a half after their first estimate. They need to quit screwing around.
hellz yea.. but from my little experience thats how body shops are. i had a similar experience with a body shop, some old lady hit me.. they said 2 weeks and it ended up being about 3 1/2 it was ghey.. but i was really happy when i got my car back, so i didnt argue