I'm Engaged!

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I proposed to my girlfriend Sunday and she said YES. We set December 1st as our wedding day. I was just so happy I thought I would tell everyone.

She makes me so happy and we get along great. I truly love her. I never thought I could find someone like her. She is the only female I know that I can say "hey baby I just got my new clutch in will you put it in" and she would know what she is doing. She is a major motorhead. She will be fixing up her CRX that I am getting her soon.

Well, enough of all mushy stuff but I just wanted to share.

One last thing, I just wanted to thank everyone and Hondaswap for all your kindness to me since the first day I became a member.

HONDASWAP OWNZ :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
[sings]dunt dunt dunt... another one bites the dust . . . [/sings]

lol j.k man congrats :P
don't you think dec 1st is a little early? shit, it takes a freakin year to get a reception reservation
We called today and already have the church, reception reservation, cake, flowers. She is looking for her dress now.
not to sound liek a dick, but HOLY RUSHING THIS BATMAN

seriously, take your time with it. planning a wedding is more stress than being married sometimes
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 8 2003, 06:16 AM
planning a wedding is more stress than being married sometimes

sometimes??? did you see on MTV True Life "Im getting married" LMFAO.. that one was funny as shit.. congrats on the engagement
Originally posted by paragus+Apr 8 2003, 10:48 AM-->
@Apr 8 2003, 06:16 AM
planning a wedding is more stress than being married sometimes

sometimes??? did you see on MTV True Life "Im getting married" LMFAO.. that one was funny as shit.. congrats on the engagement

haha :werd: I liked it when he starting telling the guy on the phone he was going to cut him up

MTV always blows things out of proportion. Planning a wedding is only as stressful as you want it to be.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 8 2003, 09:16 AM
not to sound liek a dick, but HOLY RUSHING THIS BATMAN

seriously, take your time with it. planning a wedding is more stress than being married sometimes

Been there done that, took us two years to plan ours.
why the long time oyu ask, man with my wife and I doing the running
around, booking a reception hall, getting invataions printed thru friends
etc... it still ended up costing us about $16,000 . where am I gonna get $16,000 in a few months,
that's why we were engaged for about 2 years. so we could save our pennies
we paid for the whole thing with cash, it's nice to not have a huge burden of debt
just for getting married.

in any case congrats and good luck with the marraged (sp?)
hey congrats man! yo, since you and your fiance are both motor heads, does this mean you will be registering at hmotorsonline.com? instead of getting stupid spoons you'll never use, you can get a motor, to share till death (of the motor) do you part...hehe, congrats...
Originally posted by CRX-YEM+Apr 8 2003, 06:49 PM-->
@Apr 8 2003, 09:16 AM
not to sound liek a dick, but HOLY RUSHING THIS BATMAN

seriously, take your time with it. planning a wedding is more stress than being married sometimes

Been there done that, took us two years to plan ours.
why the long time oyu ask, man with my wife and I doing the running
around, booking a reception hall, getting invataions printed thru friends
etc... it still ended up costing us about $16,000 . where am I gonna get $16,000 in a few months,
that's why we were engaged for about 2 years. so we could save our pennies
we paid for the whole thing with cash, it's nice to not have a huge burden of debt
just for getting married.

in any case congrats and good luck with the marraged (sp?)

Her parents and grandparents are paying for everything. We don't have the money right now of course but her family is loaded. Basically everything is paid for. Thanks for the concern.