k20 swap

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Junior Member
i was wondering if anyone has any idea if a k20 can be put into a eg civic? One of my freinds said he saw a video of one and was thinking that be "fun". Anyone know anything of this?
NOt to be an ass cause your new there are already lots of threads about this us the search engine before starting on this reoccuring already answered topic also stop by hybrid-racing.com and it has all the info for yah :thumbsup:
just to answer your question real quick. YES. Do the search here and on Honda-tech, they have some pretty cool pictures too.
hasport has the kit for the 6th gens ... they havent released one for the 5th gens yet
Originally posted by driverunknown@Feb 26 2004, 02:13 AM
I'm gonna start a new trend. Swap weed trimmer engones in eg's. 2-stroke pwns.:lol:

dont they already come with those????????