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does linspire have to be on the first partition? i think that could be a problem. i basically wanted linspire only to use aim, mozilla, and to play.

but doesnt XP have to be on the first bootable partition? i could move it, but i dont think it would boot then.
The bootloader will be, but Linux usually in a dual boot installs on /dev/hdb(2), which is the second IDE hard drive or second partition, the bootloader installs on the MBR, and then. Maybe the process for FC can help shed some light :(

* Select "custom" on the "Installation Type" page. Click "Next".

* Select "automatically partition" on the "Disk Partitioning Setup" page. Click "Next". If you elect to manually edit your partition with Disk Druid, double click on the partition, select the "swap" file type, and configure your swap space size to equal about twice your computer's physical memory size. Double click on the remainder of the partition to configure it as a Linux ext3 file system. At minimum you must designate this remaining space (probably /dev/hda2 or /dev/sda2) as the root "/" partition mount point.

* If you are going to dual boot Windows and Fedora and you already have Windows installed on another partition select "keep all partitions and use existing free space" on the "Automatic Partitioning" page. Otherwise select "Remove all partitons on this system" to use all of your hard disk for Fedora or choose "Remove all Linux partitions on this system" for a fresh install over any existing Linux partitions. Click "Next".

* Click "Next" on the "Disk Setup" page.

* If you are dual booting Windows and Fedora Check the "other" check box on the "Boot Loader Configuration" page. Click "edit". Type "Windows" in the "label" box and uncheck the "default boot target" check box. Click "ok".
the linspire install is totally different. its like installing windows. theres no disk druid for partitioning.

also, the checksum is valid. :)
It's different but, if remember correctly, it ask you if you want ot use empty space, or take over whole disc right? If hte check sum is good than it's aving an issue with you partitions I would think.
its asking for a takeover install, or advanced install. with takeover, it deletes everything and makes one big partition.

with advanced, you can check what partition you want to use.
well i got it installed. i formatted the partition as fat32, restarted into windows after that, and then rebooted on the linspire cd.

kinda neat, but my sound card isnt working, even though it is recognized and says its working. unlike windows, there is no digital on/off checkbox like in XP. since it has digital output only, maybe there is something im missing.
Good to hear :) Do you know what on board mixer Linspire ships with? I know FC4 uses Alsamixer, and for somereason it defaults to mute when you reboot :( fucking annoying. Find you terminal and type alsamixer, see if they use it too.
well fuck it, im going to get rid of it and install fedora core 4 care of 92b16vx.
I hope they fixed the problem with GRUB and the MBR, if not than I can get you through that :)
im sure ill figure it out :) im just going to have fedora install over linspire so i dont lose my windows partition.
If you do it that way, it shoul be fine, GRUB will install right over LILO.