Looks like Brit rubbed off on her little sister

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This thread fails on account of the fact that I expected some awesome pictures based on the title.
hows this on short notice
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hows this on short notice

It's hilarious on short notice, how about that lol.

And honestly, I think it's sad. If she wanted to have sex, you know, fine, great, more power to her. But I think for the kids sake that she should have A, kept it out of the media for a while, and B used protection. I mean, I'm sure there are little 7-11 year old girls who look up to her, and now that her show will probably be canceled, or she'll be replaced, the little girls are going to ask "mommy what happened to zoey? (or whatever the fuck her tv name is)" and they're going to have to reply "well she was irresponsible, blah blah blah" or whatever, but regardless there's going to be something in that little girls mind that says "it's cool to have sex and get pregnant young."

Uhm, I got knocked up at 17. But, that's not the point. Will she be a responsible parent? Meh. I feel bad for her mother, seriously.
Her mother is now the most ridiculed person out there. I hear she was writing a book on parenting ?
Surprising, with the success of your book and DVD lecture series on penetration, I didn't think she had the guts to write another book on the same topic !