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sup i just thought i would let everyone know i posted some more pics of my stuff in the gallery under blackjdmdeath, there is a picture in there that shows you my 5th gear synchro slider compared to the new one i got... i think you'll get an idea of what kind of condition my tranny was in lol enjoy!
we are lazy ass fucks or to drunk to click around a lot..we are fucking honda guys for god sake! either link us, or we ignore :P
what truck this come off of? :


digging that Maxim calendar next to it :D
This is my kind of setup!

actually, you're right, it came off my 89 izzy that i had... i got smashed by an f350 :( i have pics of that too somewhere, i just thought it was cool that i have it on the wall with my "under door black light" lol
thought so, the wing glass gave it away. I miss my s-dime every day :( Fucking assholes here use to slash the bags in the rear (no tonnuea (sp?) or notch cover). :angry:
Nice cars guys. I live by SSM. I need a better membership though. My 5 pictures isn't cutting it. Did you lay frame blackjdmdeath? My buddy has a 96 sonoma and he has bags and stuff and had to notch the frame to sit on the ground but it does now.
nah the izzy wasnt bagged yet, go to my profile and check it out, you'll see why lol, my funds were wrapped up in the system, i was actually on my way to get my bags stuff when i got fucked.
damn i like, dont even remember how to use street source... its been forever, i forgot i told everybody my shit was for sale lol oops
Zac you should post your system set up, my god i still want to do this. Still, dont have the money to do it. The pics of it and everything, that box is so fucking huge. Audiobahn rules :worthy: