MW2 Magnum hack?

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So, I just got done playing Hardcore team deathmatch on Rundown. Anyways, some guy with a riot shield was shooting us from a long distance with the magnum(from the second story of the plantation house on top of the hill to the bridge area) in direct one-shot hits. He also had a riot shield, but somehow he was shooting at the same time(we were laying fire on him and it was just hitting his shield). Anyways, some guys said he was hacking but has anyone heard of this?
I have not heard or seen such a thing. But who knows with commercial USB being supported by 360's hacked gamer tags are just the tip of the iceberg.
well on rundown there is still a old hack they never fixed but its with the rioit shield and gatling gun. what you do is pick a class with 1 man army then go into the nest with the gun and switch to the riot shield useing 1 man army while its takeing time to change over mount the gatling gun and when it switches over to riot shield it will be mounted on the gun and you will be behind it.
i was playing with someone and they got killed.. they were like he shot me w/ 3 different guns at once.. a sniper, ACR, and Magnum..