need comp help

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It's only stupid if it doesn't work
ok so my laptop crapped out on me like 2 days ago. it wont connect to the internet. i ran all my virus scans and what not and checked the network connections. it recognized that my t1 was plugged in but then when i went to connect, it said it couldnt find the server. i also tried it with dial up and same deal. it recognized that the connection was there but wouldnt connect. i go back to school on monday and any help at all would be apprieciated thanks.
Reinstall drivers and all that crap- make sure you uninstall them in safe mode first.

If that doesn't work, I'll bet the network port on your laptop's motherboard failed. I've seen it happen a LOT in Dell laptops lately. :(
if its seeing the line is there but won't connect, chances are your proxy settings or dhcp is screwed up.

consult with you rit dept at your school to what they should be, and then, in your connection manager, make the adjustments you need
it works. me and my roomate deleted the whole hard drive and started over. dont no what the problem was but it works now so i dont care