Nelson Mandela dead at 95

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I just had a thought that the generation of kids growing up today probably don't have much of an idea about what people like Mandela, Rosa Parks, and MLK went through in their efforts, and unfortunately think of people like jesse jackson and al sharpton as "civil rights leaders". Sad.
I think it's more important to remember that these radical agents of change were labeled terrorist enemies of the state while they did their most important work, and to remember this whenever we hear someone labeled as such.
I just had a thought that the generation of kids growing up today probably don't have much of an idea about what people like Mandela, Rosa Parks, and MLK went through in their efforts, and unfortunately think of people like jesse jackson and al sharpton as "civil rights leaders". Sad.

It is extremely sad that anyone would think of those two race-baiting charlatans even resemble civil rights leaders.
I think it's more important to remember that these radical agents of change were labeled terrorist enemies of the state while they did their most important work, and to remember this whenever we hear someone labeled as such.

"The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates."
Yeah, damn red commie bastards always fuckin up white supremacy. What an asshole, just when we had those neegers in their place.
Cel is officially out of his mind.
Nelson Mandela was a monster.

His wife too.

Good riddance.

He was no saint, but for a Marxist he was alright, and accomplished a lot of good. I don't think he deserves to be labeled a terrorist though, he wasn't on quite the same level of piece of shit that Ghandi, or Mother Theresa were on.
"But for a marxist he was alright"

And I'm out of my mind ?

Listen, I don't like Apartheid either. But the truth in Africa is simple: You have two choices. Tribal or civilized. When the tribes come along and murder all the settlers (We'll call them "whites", but perhaps we should call them "Dutch") and the Whites (Dutch) fight back by telling them "You don't play nice with us. Get out" suddenly it's the Dutch that are held at fault.

Wherever blacks are, society is violent and animalistic. Plain and simple. Demonstrate for me the opposite and we'll talk.
Show me ONE area that the blacks have taken over and made improvements.
Mandela achieved great success through peaceful revolution. Those who would demonize him for being militant in his youth need to ask themselves how they would react if they woke up one morning and learned their government had taken their rights. I would imagine there would be many "Mandelas" among the oppressed.
It definitely helps to realize that when dealing with political topics, all of us are forming opinions based on 5th hand information from biased perspectives. There's a greater probability that all of us are wrong than any of us are right.
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