Nelson Mandela dead at 95

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Cel you really are racist, I think you have watched American History X 1 too many times
I love that movie. Doesn't teach you that racism is wrong though, it just teaches you that white people are pieces of shit too.
I'm not racist. I'm a white supremacist. There is a difference.

I'm not afraid of other cultures, lifestyles, races or nationalities. I hate them. I think that White Americans are (now) the best out there. During Manifest Destiny I didn't think that White Americans were the best. But now I do.

The native americans could have fought off expansionist whites and I would be Narragansett right now. But instead of fighting off their expansionist take-over, they all sat down and tried to understand, work out their differences and make friends with an encroaching enemy.

And now they're extinct.

Why is it that I'm wrong here ? Because what I have to say isn't popular ? Because it's not "nice" ? If that's the case, then so be it. I have chosen to be correct instead of being loved.

What Klyph says is totally accurate. "History is written by the victors". I think Mandela is a monster. I think Milosevik was right. Clearly, these two histories have been written by the victor.

And likewise, my version of history doesn't match yours because your version was taught to you by it's victor and my enemy.

And I've never seen American History X. It's hollywood, so i know what side of history it's going to cover.
Fuck man. I'm prob going to put you on mute. You're an idiot.
While I don't really agreed with what he says here, there are small truths to nearly everything Cel says.

As far as history goes, my English cousins know more about the Revolutionary War than 95% of Americans. The victors just tell you about the parts where they looked good.
You do yourself a disservice by ignoring perspectives opposite of yours. You're not "correct" and neither is he, but you're looking at different facets of the same subject. Believe it or not, you can gain insights from opposing opinions. To ignore them is to stop challenging your own beliefs, which is arrogance. It doesn't mean that you accept their beliefs, only that you look deeper into the how and why of the differences between you. It's so boring to be in a group of people with similar opinions, you sit there in a circle jerk reinforcing each others bias until you're putting absolutist bumper stickers on your car and contributing money to political parties.
I agree. I love to play devil's advocate just to get people thinking about more than their own view point. I've agrued some awful points just to get people thinking a little differently.
You do yourself a disservice by ignoring perspectives opposite of yours. You're not "correct" and neither is he, but you're looking at different facets of the same subject. Believe it or not, you can gain insights from opposing opinions. To ignore them is to stop challenging your own beliefs, which is arrogance. It doesn't mean that you accept their beliefs, only that you look deeper into the how and why of the differences between you. It's so boring to be in a group of people with similar opinions, you sit there in a circle jerk reinforcing each others bias until you're putting absolutist bumper stickers on your car and contributing money to political parties.

While I completely agree with you on confirmation bias and perspective, there is a degree at which I won't even entertain a discussion. At this certain point when dealing with such a polarizing character, I will just exit the conversation altogether.
While I completely agree with you on confirmation bias and perspective, there is a degree at which I won't even entertain a discussion. At this certain point when dealing with such a polarizing character, I will just exit the conversation altogether.
Nope, I've made agruments for Hilter, Kony, Stalin, Kim Jon Un, etc. I'm not saying I agree with any of it. But I'll play "the bad guy" is have people think in a way they didn't see before, or simply to have an interesting conversation.
Keep the racist shit off of this site.

If you want to go prance around a burning cross on your lawn, you have that right. But that is also on your lawn.

Keep it the fuck off of my lawn.

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