new beer coming to the US... 32% alcohol by volume

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Strongest I've had was 16.9%. Cost me $15 for a 12oz. bottle. Started with an M. Had a creepy ass, scary devil on the bottle.

Very strong taste. Like Guinness mixed with coffee of some sort. Thick, but not crazy thick. Think tequila consistency. I had 4 Molsen XXXs before hand(7.3%) and I could actually feel myself becoming shitfaced.
Strongest I've had was 16.9%. Cost me $15 for a 12oz. bottle. Started with an M. Had a creepy ass, scary devil on the bottle.

Very strong taste. Like Guinness mixed with coffee of some sort. Thick, but not crazy thick. Think tequila consistency. I had 4 Molsen XXXs before hand(7.3%) and I could actually feel myself becoming shitfaced.

I guess it's only 8%...
This definetly isnt it but I felt it was worth mention.
"Made with the finest virgin blood & unbaptised baby fat, deep in the bowels of hell."

Used to be 20% but they dialed it back to 18% goood asss shit right here
OMG you beat me to favorite...I also enjoy the 90 minute IPA which comes in at a not to shabby 10% (ish?)...DElicious!
I love Stone brewery. I always get the arrogant bastard or ruination IPA.

At that. I went to this a couple weeks ago. 40 bucks, but I got super faded, as everyone kept giving me their tokens. Almost all the beer was 8%+ area.

Redhook brought a 12% out, its going to be available in pints and kegs. Super delicious. I went back multiple times. Loved it.
Check their site. They only brew it once or twice a year and it does not get to every state due alcohol content restrictions.
sweet, they ship to CA on bottletrek! But on back order. :(
I would rep you, but I need to spread around. Thank you though.
I've had Arrogant Bastard, 120, and 90 minute. All amazing.

Anyone ever have Hairy Eyeball? 9% and a great beer.

Haha, no one has named it yet. I'll have to have one of my friends send me a pic from the liquor store. Apparently 7th year seniors are good for something.
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