new xbox 360 slim

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angry bear
Rest In Peace
looks good and has wifi built in and suppose to have a swappable hd
Xbox 360 250GB first unboxing! - Engadget Galleries

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meh, anybody who wants an xbox already has one.

the only reason i would buy a ps3 slim is to have blu-ray.
I have both and might sell my xbox with 250 gig hd to get the new one. I like the fact it has a wireless built in and the hd is swappable
my 3 yr mark is coming up on my xbox.. once i RROD again i'll most likely have to buy a new one because the warranty will have just expired
ill only get one if its quiet. and use it as a media center extender. i dont play xbox game. wish they made it smaller though. its smaller than the current xbox, but not THAT much smaller to call it a slim model.

PS2 -> PS2 slim, yes
PS3 -> PS3 slim, yes
360 -> 360
I am trying my damnedest to sell the idea of upgrading to the lady friend. I have an arcade with a 20gig hdd. So the sell shouldn't be to hard. I told her that my old box can be our media interface for Netflix and such. Plus it has an integrated port for Kinect (Natal) which I will be purchasing.
well i told my wife about the new system and she dont have a problem with me getting the new system. and usually she would be "u dont need it".
ill only get one if its quiet. and use it as a media center extender.

If you want to buy a gaming system to use as a media platform the PS3 might be a better choice, since it does BluRay on top of DVD/NetFlix/music/etc.

As for the new Xbox, I don't see any light rings. How will people know when it RRODs?


Nah, just kidding. I like it actually. I know I'm going to be tempted to buy one and get back into 360 gaming...
I like it but you're right when comparing it to the PS3 mainly because of BluRay. I wonder if there will be an option for that in the future?
Nope. I've been waiting. Former housemate / college buddy was on the design team at IBM that developed the new chip. He said to wait until it came out to buy a 360. I guess it's finally here.

but i doubt you are a hardcore gamer. anybody who spends 10+ hours/week gaming, probably already has one.

you're a family man. i'm sure games are VERY low on your list of ways to spend free time.
I prefer the 360 over the PS3 for digitial media simply because it interfaces with my windows PC (stream my ripped content) and my Zune content perfectly.
If you want to buy a gaming system to use as a media platform the PS3 might be a better choice, since it does BluRay on top of DVD/NetFlix/music/etc.

You can't use a ps3 as a windows media center extender. The only media center extender currently available is the xbox 360. Not only does it stream your media like the ps3 would. It gives you access to the tv tuners on the media center pc. You can watch and record live tv from the extender. You can't do that with a ps3
You can't use a ps3 as a windows media center extender. The only media center extender currently available is the xbox 360. Not only does it stream your media like the ps3 would. It gives you access to the tv tuners on the media center pc. You can watch and record live tv from the extender. You can't do that with a ps3

Ah, gotcha...
well i told my wife about the new system and she dont have a problem with me getting the new system. and usually she would be "u dont need it".
That means she already bought something really expensive....
That means she already bought something really expensive....

I'd get a 360 now. It seems to have more games that me and my girl can enjoy. Tons of the PS3 games are based either online, or single player. I've seen quite a few Xbox games that are 2 player that she would enjoy...what a selling point for me!
but i doubt you are a hardcore gamer. anybody who spends 10+ hours/week gaming, probably already has one.

you're a family man. i'm sure games are VERY low on your list of ways to spend free time.

Oh, definitely used to be- I still get a lot more gaming in than you'd think. But yes, family takes up a lot of time.

Hardcore as in I used to go to Quakecon every year, go to CPL tournaments all over Texas, have LAN parties all weekend almost every weekend- it's amazing what additional responsibility does to you. :)

Us "old fogies" still get together for an old school LAN party every now and then for a solid weekend- we even drag out Doom and Quake 1. Fun times.