no more head :(

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What made him accuse you of it? I need the backstory here.

Well, without going into too much detail - one of my ex's had multiple scares with cervical cancer. Someone had given her a strand of HPV that has been linked with cervical cancer, not the nasty warts kind of HPV. This was before all the information was really being published that the majority of women have HPV now and that its an epidemic.

All her ex-boyfriends were supposed to have been virgins and the doctor claimed that she must have contracted it within a certain timeframe because when she went for her annual the previous year they hadn't caught anything. Ignore the fact that he didn't even take into account that it was possible the doctors missed a diagnosis and completely missed that she had had it before. She had a history of cancer in her family.

Basically in the end it was something terrible for 18year olds to go through, worrying about whether we were going to be able to conceive a few years down the line because the procedures she had done to remove the cancerous cells and lesions weaken the cervix and significantly decrease the chance of childbirth.

It caused me to go through many different experiences and grow up real fast, its partially the reason why I've delt with many things as a 21year old that other people can't imagine.

Sneaking off out of high school to go to a doctor's appointment to find out about your girlfriend's cancer was difficult.
The doctor asked a girl I was with earlier this year if she had been raped, after we had sex the night before. :ph34r:
I remember you saying something about that. Same idea just the doctor wasn't being a douche about it.
sounds like some OBGYN's have been watching too much House.
You're so strong and so brave, how do you do it ?

Yeah because its real fucking funny Steve, when you were a 17year old kid to find out your girlfriend has cervical cancer when her aunt died of cervical cancer in recent years, her grandmother died of breast cancer, along with other members of her family suffering from uterine cancer and/or needing hysterectomies.

We snuck off because she needed to see a specialist in Pa and we didn't want anyone to know or find out that she had cancer, especially not in such an intimate area. It was to protect her from the bombardment of questions and rumors that a high school senior would have to endure. To this day, people still don't know - the only reason why I said anything was because he asked for the story and because its anonymous and online. If my ex were to find out, she would freak.

Sometimes you really deserved to be lumped up and punched in the face for being such a fucking idiot.

Try having some common decency and putting yourself in someone else's shoes for once and see where that leaves you. I'm sure you would have been standing tall and strong, too. I mean you're a big tough guy packing your gun and all, you little fucking prick.
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Hahahahaha... point missed again.

My point was that you're statement is "oh whoa is me, my girlfriend is sick"

Like we're supposed to pity you for HER sickness, or think of you as such a hero because you took a day off.

You are welcome to attempt to "lump me up", popeye, for being such a fucking idiot.
Hahahahaha... point missed again.

My point was that you're statement is "oh whoa is me, my girlfriend is sick"

Like we're supposed to pity you for HER sickness, or think of you as such a hero because you took a day off.

You are welcome to attempt to "lump me up", popeye, for being such a fucking idiot.

Quit being the ignorant asshole that you're so apt at being.

I'm clearly not in High School anymore and she's clearly not my girlfriend anymore - so how exactly am I looking for pity? I've been on these boards for quite awhile, this is something that happened three - almost four years ago now, I'm certainly not looking for pity four years later. Pull your head out of your ass.

And don't phrase things in such a way as to say "attempt". Its clear, you're a little insignificant prick that would get romped on by the masses, which is why you feel so weak and inclined to carry a weapon with you at all times. Obviously thats the scariest part of your Napoleon Syndrome, the day you finally snap.
, which is why you feel so weak and inclined to carry a weapon with you at all times. Obviously thats the scariest part of your Napoleon Syndrome, the day you finally snap.

I don't carry a gun. Look it up.

>>> Alright alright alright already... Sheesh. <<<<

Everyone can say nasty shit to Cel, but Cel's got nothin' he can do without catching shit about it.

Also, I do believe you're the closest one to me to deliver this joyous "punch in the mouth" you're all hard about. And while you're up here you can protest outside the courthouse for gay marriage, weenie.
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lolz, guys just remember, it's words on a screen. Nothing more, unless you allow it to be. Chill the fuck out drama llamas.
lolz, guys just remember, it's words on a screen. Nothing more, unless you allow it to be. Chill the fuck out drama llamas.

I haven't said anything to anyone in months, but in all honesty I feel that he was out of line and deserves a punch in the mouth, from whoever is close enough to receive that joy.