** Official Photographers picture thread ** 56k?? hahaha.. goodluck

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Some HDR photos from my trip to Arches national park last September. Taken with a Nikon D40x with no bracketing, I had to take all the different exposures manually, which moved the camera around alot and ruined a ton of photos.

Lots more here.

they are good, they look so fake though!
there is no way i could have walked up to those windows... i'd probably pass out.. lol

Then you won't like these! :D


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I took some more shots than this but its late and I dont feel like going through all of them right now. Took these on Sunday about an hour from where I live up in the mountains. Deer are in rut this time of year so that buck couldnt give two shits about me being around. He had a doe he was chasing around. Plus a 2x2 that he kept chasing off. I was getting a little worried that he may come at me, he was about 30 yards away and the doe was about 20. It was a damn good time though. I followed them for about a mile.


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And dont bother looking at them at full resolution. I didnt have my tri pod so they are blurry as shit.
Those are really great shots.

I really need to just go out in the yard and take pictures of static objects to work on my getting my focus levels correct :(
The D60 body does not have a focus drive in it :( and I cannot afford glass that has drive motors in it.
Just got some more back today. These are from a test set on an early 80s Sigma SA-1 with a chinon 50 mm lens I got from the local thrift shop for $6.00 The film I used was Kodak BW400CR film. I took alot of pics indoors with low light and they naturally turned out terrible, but some of the shots on the roll turned out fantastic. Here's some of the best ones. The 3rd one is my favorite picture of mine to date.



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The reason why you liked and I did too, the therd one is because of the you used the rule of 3. Meaning the main subject is in one of the 4 corners and not in the center.
That's definitely part of it. Its used to create tension. I usually pay attention to the rule of thirds, but don't always abide by it. I sometimes like to use the rule of thirds in what I'd consider a secondary fashion, as something important in the picture is in the corner, such as the road in the second picture, or the signs in the street picture in my last set.
Got a couple of pix I snapped with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX48. Its got a 25mm wide angle leica lens.

Photos are of nyc :)


Tried to post the pix. they are too big. =/


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The reason why you liked and I did too, the therd one is because of the you used the rule of 3. Meaning the main subject is in one of the 4 corners and not in the center.

The rule of thirds does not put the subject in the corner of a photo. When using the rule of thirds you are supposed to place the center of interest where the "thirds" lines intersect in the horizontal and vertical. Off center but not in the corner.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX48
Night Scene Setting
Photos un-edited (idk how to do this)

Elizabeth & Spring st in Soho



get a tripod (or a better one)
and play with the white balance a little.
Went downtown yesterday, Sears Tower Skydeck, Boat ride at Navy Pier, bunch of other stuff. Took a bajillion photos... Will add more as I process them:

1: Skyline from the Sears Tower observation deck... The windows facing the lake were filthy. :p
2: One of the Picassos (can't remember which one!)
3: My brother on one of the new observation ledges. No one could get a shot from the other ledges like that at that time of day, it was pure reflection. Luckily I had a polarizing filter with me. :)
4: Had to get a shot of this little guy
5: Took that one on a moving boat at night... Came out well given the circumstances. Haven't done it yet, but Noise Ninja should take care of the grain in the sky.

I'm not scared of heights, but those ledges scared me. :)

In the first picture, what is that new building to the right of the JH Building? Its been a while since I've been to Chicago.