please a little help guys(thanks)

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kid that everyone loves!
ok so as many of u great people no i am prettly much done with building my 91 accord and now im only missing one thing... my licences

i turn 16 on sep 2 and my road test is on the 4th.

i really wana pass but for get the proper way to do things such as .

y turns
parking up a hill
parking down a hill
parrell pak

if and of u guys can give me a link of a site that will help me or if u can help mw id really appreicate it

thanks guys wish me luck for sep 4
the best way is to go out and practice. get someone else that knows how to drive already to go with you for an hour or two and do this stuff in a parking lot.

ok yah i tried researching the correct way to do those things so i dont get points off in the test but cudnt find anyhting......

ill try more tho

thanks blanco!
my parents are at home

they dont no the " proper " way to do all that shit u no?
Have you even taken a car out onto the road and driven it? Or tried any of these things?

Don't you have to go through drivers ed in order to get your license? I know when I went to get mine, I had to have a permit, and I had to have however many hours behind the wheel and whatever amount of hours in the classroom.

If your track record with driving is as experienced as your posts, we are all done for. I'll walk in the middle of the street cuz the sidewalks aren't safe anymore. And what do you mean your parents don't really know how to do that stuff? Do they drive?
haha u have me alllllll wrong

yes i went through drivers ed. and drove alot!

i still do drive sometimes i just need to freshen up on the proper way to do things such as the above, so i though id ask for help

and yes i have my permit

You may wanna ask a mod to change your age again. First it was 20 something, now it's 13.

But I digress...
i have a tip for you on parallel parking - mostly because i don't want you to walk away from HS thinking we're jerks or something.

if you see a parking spot you want, pull one car past it and line up with the car parked in front of the open spot. your side mirror should be about 6 inches away from that vehicle's side mirror and unless you're a pro, make that approach slowly. put your car in reverse and back straight up until your side mirror is even with the back of the vehicle you just lined up with, at that point crank the steering wheel like a mofo to get your ass end in the spot, maintain that wheel position until your front corner clears the back bumper, and then straighten out the steering wheel.

a decent parallel parker can get into a space that leaves 2 feet between each vehicle (front and back). but when you kick serious ass like me, you can stuff yourself into a space with inches to spare - only do this when no one is looking and in a car whose bumpers you could care less about (that was my monte carlo). typically only necessary in extreme urban environments or on college campuses.


and while i'm at it - whatever vehicle you're taking the driving test in should be the vehicle you go whip shitties in an empty parking lot in. you need to know the car's turn radius and be really comfortable with it before you try any of those Y and U turn moves.
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thanks man thats exactly wat i wanted, now i can coem back to that and practice it

thanks u very much
See below.. take your time and be aware of where your car is.... or buy one of these:
lol.. forgot to upload the attachment =P


  • Parallel-Parking_remgeo.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 244
I dont know about where you live, but here I never had to parallel parking my driving test, we have a maneuverability test. Its kind of like parallel parking but easier. I knew what was on the test looong before I took it, I got the manual and studied, then went out and practiced it to make sure no matter what they threw at me I was ready for it.

Now taking bets of how long it will be after this kid gets his license/if he does, that he totals his or some one elses car.