Porsche + 18yo + 100mph vs. toll booth...

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No respect for people who endanger other motorists lives by being an imbecile.

this made the news here in Sacramento, so i think it was fox 40 here in sacramento back in Oct. This wasnt her car, it was her pops. I remember this because of how horrible the accident was. BTW some of you guys are a bunch of assholes for your comments about the girl. Have some respect. We have all been young and made some bad decisions, obvisously, this decisions took her life. What if this was your sister, you cousin, your daughter? How would you feel if you read some of the bs comments on the thread?
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who knows what happend for sure. maybe someone cut her off and she clipped the civic. i know most of you go over 100 mph, some of you do it daily.
who knows what happend for sure. maybe someone cut her off and she clipped the civic. i know most of you go over 100 mph, some of you do it daily.
If you drive 100+ on the daily through traffic, you deserve the same fate.
Im just saying hers or not, stolen or not, why would you attempt to pass a car that was doing 70mph, by going 100mph, when coming up to the toll booth?
Didn't you buy a cavalier or some shit B? lol

holy shit
my first car was like 1400 bucks
what the hell kind of car did you get for 12.5?

yup, In 97 I bought a 94 cavalier z24, v6 5 spd with 35k on the clock. my first and last american auto.
it was great for the 2 years i owned it. at 65k when i got rear-ended in it, I couldn't list on 2 hands the things that were going or already wrong with it. Stupid shit.... like windows not rolling up, the patheric cup holder, etc etc... motor was fine. thats about it.

I had a paper route from 12-16, and then a real job from 16-on. After a couple months or so of huffing it to work, or trying to get a ride, I went out and bought my car.

She stole the car. her parents didnt give her the car. It wasnt the parents fault.
this made the news here in Sacramento, so i think it was fox 40 here in sacramento back in Oct. This wasnt her car, it was her pops.

so she stole her dads car? i find this hard to believe... and if its true, this is even WORSE parenting.

What happened to "asking" to use a parents' car? I know I NEVER took my folks' cars out when i didn't have permission to do so.

What if this was your sister, you cousin, your daughter? How would you feel if you read some of the bs comments on the thread?

my sister... isn't smart enough to know how to break the speed limit.
my daughter will be tought how to drive, not how to follow road signs and cover the brake going down hills. Today's driver's ed is a fucking joke.

either way, if it was... i'd probably be saying the same thing. Sure, I'd be sad, but in the end, Darwin always wins over stupid people.

who knows what happend for sure. maybe someone cut her off and she clipped the civic. i know most of you go over 100 mph, some of you do it daily.

If you drive 100+ on the daily through traffic, you deserve the same fate.

I break 100 daily if i go to my office... sometimes a lot faster than that.

But i reason it.....

My car from 100 stops in less distance than your average SUV going 55.
as tested by car and driver:

bmw m3
70-0, 161 feet
62-0 107 ft / 2.56 seconds

lincoln navigator:
70-0, 209 feet

I'm a driver... When I drive, I have my hands at 10 and 2, the radio barely loud enough to hear if even on, and my focus is all around me, whats coming up, who's getting on/off, and so on. Moreover, i don't do this when there's other cars around. My commute in the morning is relatively barren of cars, especially after 9am (i usually get to work around 930-945) so there's miles where i'm on a relatively straight road, with no traffic, no on ramps, and the deer are all in bed by that time (i've yet to see one, dead or otherwise on the road).

I KNOW what I can and cannot do, and rarely push it to find out if I can go a HAIR faster.

THAT'S when disaster stirkes.
Stupid Girl. this kind of makes me feel bad in a way, though, because my ex drives like shit like that, and now drives a 911. Even though i want nothing to do with her at all, i can see some stupid shit like that happening to her, and it would suck to see that. She drives very recklessly, and it got to the point where i wouldnt ride w/ her if she was the one driving. I hate how a lot of girls have the attitude that nothing will happen to them at all.
Very well put. I'm the same way, I seldom have the radio on anymore and I'm not the most brilliant conversationalist. I keep my hands at 9 and 3 and I'm always looking out for the other guy because as far as I'm concerned the other guy's always an idiot.

Driver's Ed is a fucking joke. I'm glad that I was the person who taught my fiance how to drive because both of her parents drive like fucktards. I'll also be the person teaching my children how to drive. Shit, my kids are most likely going to be driving '60s/'70s low powered cars that I make reliable, myself. Big, heavy ass cars made out of actual metal that will take the impact of a rocketing, recycled beer can. Kids don't need to drive fast, they need to learn how to drive and get as much positive experience under their belts as possible. Then, they can worry about going fast at the track.

Fixed, cause that's the only place you need to go faster than 70 mph max. Admittedly I do about 75-80 on the highway unless the traffic is really thick. The speed limit around I469 where I do most of my driving is 70 mph though.

When I'm in town I get tailgated A LOT because I stick my ass at the speed limit.
Yes its sad and tragic, i mean anyone who loses their life before they should of is sad.

I'm with B, i have the music on low, two hands on the wheel (or atleast one when just cruising) but when speeding, i use two. I just drove 2.5 hours home a couple days ago, i didnt break 85.

This is a classic case of the teenage "im invincible" mentality.

I'm a safe driver. After getting in a big accident, I learned my lesson. No hot dogging from me. I pass people, but only when I have tons of room, and they're actually not going the speed limit, not because I can.
Then get out of the way so the people who want to actually drive can do so. What makes the Autobahn work is the fact that not only are the drivers actually trained but they're both curteous and smart enough to move out of the way of a faster car.

You'd hate California. Parts of Interstate 5 flow at 95mph. Speed doesn't matter, driving ability does. Period. Driving slow can be even more of hazard because you create road rage due to impeding traffic and trying to dictate how other people drive.

I say this all the time. It's far too easy to get a driver's license in this country and it's gotten even easier since I took my test 12 years ago. Our nation's kids keep killing themselves because we aren't teaching them properly. What do they see as an example? Momsy and dadums driving the sport utility tank while talking on the phone with one hand and holding a coffee with the other while doing 70mph. It's fairly obvious that "no, no, mustn't do that" doesn't work in the slightest with kids. Education is the key.

It amazes me that we have such ridiculous gun laws but any dipshit can get behind the wheel of a deadly weapon.

Maybe you didn't understand... in the CITY, I drive at the speed limit. A lot of times I'll do the typical 5-7 over, but when it's thick people will be retards and tailgate me no matter how fast or slow I'm going. There's simply no appeasing people who are going to tailgate you regardless. On one lane each way roads, they'll just have to wait for me. I'm not getting a ticket because they want to arrive someplace 30 seconds earlier.

On I469 I'm usually the person passing everyone else, I NEVER sit in the left lane when I'm not passing people, and I'm always accelerating to get around a truck if I know there's someone coming up behind me.
Then get out of the way so the people who want to actually drive can do so. What makes the Autobahn work is the fact that not only are the drivers actually trained but they're both curteous and smart enough to move out of the way of a faster car.

You'd hate California. Parts of Interstate 5 flow at 95mph. Speed doesn't matter, driving ability does. Period. Driving slow can be even more of hazard because you create road rage due to impeding traffic and trying to dictate how other people drive.

I say this all the time. It's far too easy to get a driver's license in this country and it's gotten even easier since I took my test 12 years ago. Our nation's kids keep killing themselves because we aren't teaching them properly. What do they see as an example? Momsy and dadums driving the sport utility tank while talking on the phone with one hand and holding a coffee with the other while doing 70mph. It's fairly obvious that "no, no, mustn't do that" doesn't work in the slightest with kids. Education is the key.

It amazes me that we have such ridiculous gun laws but any dipshit can get behind the wheel of a deadly weapon.
:werd: Late night in Cali, the traffic flow is around 90 mph. I don't do that anymore at all. I just feel its unsafe unless i have a car for that, and a Jeep Cherokee is not the type of vehicle thats gonna react very well to having to make any quick swerving at a high speed if i had to do it. But of course i see every other jackass in their Exploders or H2s going 100+ in the # 3 or 4 lanes, which fucking pisses me off so bad. Not only do stupid fuckers who drive careless do it around other traffic, they swerve through the "slow" lanes where people are trying to drive carefully and mind their own fucking business.
Then get out of the way so the people who want to actually drive can do so. What makes the Autobahn work is the fact that not only are the drivers actually trained but they're both curteous and smart enough to move out of the way of a faster car.

I swear that between Vermont and Virginia, Vermont is the ONLY state where people don't sit in the left lane and move over if you get behind them. Hell, they move over before you even get up to them.

People suck.